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Part I. Pantheism, Ecology, and Cosmology. Different Perspectives and Traditions
Chapter 1. Brief History of the Organism and the Relationship between the Whole and its Parts
Chapter 2. Stoic Pantheism and Environmental Ethics in Pliny the Elder
Chapter 3. The Presence of God in Creation: The Medieval Motifs of Ontological Continuity, Light and Sympathy for Creatures
Chapter 4. Nature, Venustas, and Harmony
Chapter 5. Spinoza: Ecosystemic Consequences of the Intersections between Pantheism, Panentheism, and Aacosmism
Chapter 6. Schleiermacherean Panentheism and Ecology
Chapter 7. Rumi and Tagore on Being-with-Nature
Chapter 8. The Withdrawal of God and Man as Co-creator in Hans Jonas' Cosmogonic Conjecture
Chapter 9. Hans Jonas And Pantheism: On Ecology and the Problematic Relationship between God, World, and Man
Chapter 10. The Evolutionary Process Leading up to the Anthropocene as Seen Through Pierre Teilhard de Chardin⁰́b9s Cosmic Christology
Chapter 11. Influences of the Spinozian Philosophy in the Environmental Activism of Arne Naess
Part II. Current Ecological Concerns and Cosmologies: Exploring Pantheism
Chapter 12. Raimon Panikkar⁰́b9s Sacred Secularity: An Advaita Interpretation to Understand the Sacredness of Nature
Chapter 13. Spinozism and Native Americans on Pantheism and Panentheism
Chapter 14. Ground of Being: The panentheism of Paul Tillich, Earth Care, and Intercultural Dialogue
Chapter 15. God, Home, and Thinking in the Place: What kind of pantheism did Thoreau Endorse?
Chapter 16. Genesis 1 as Ecosophy
Chapter 17. Panentheism in Christian Ecotheology
Chapter 18. Theism Versus Pancomprehensions
Chapter 19. The Hidden Theology in the New Naturalisms
Chapter 20. Towards a Speculative Ecology. Monads, Habits, and the Non-otherness of the World
Chapter 21. Anthropocene Narratives and New Cosmologies
Chapter 22. System as Paradigm for a New World View
Part III. From Pantheism to Ethics and Politics
Chapter 23. Pantheism: Destruction of Boundaries?
Chapter 24. Intrinsic Values, Pantheism, and Ecology: Where Does Value Come From?
Chapter 25. Humans are Humus: An Analysis of Boff's Panentheistic Ecotheology in the Framework of the Biocultural Ethic
Chapter 26. On the Compatibility Between Panentheism and Fragmentation: An Experimental Ecofeminist Loosening of the "in" in Allingottlehre
Chapter 27. Hossein Nasr on the Environmental Crisis
Chapter 28. Francis Halle's Project for a Large Primary Forest in Western Europe and a New Understanding of Our Relationship with the Biosphere.

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