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Part I: AI and Questions of Personhood and Ethics
The Peculium of the Robot: Artificial Intelligence and Slave Law
1 The Intriguing Analogy
2 A Patrimony for the Robot
3 Further Perspectives: Towards the Contubernium of the Robots?
4 Some Concluding Remarks
Legal Personhood for Autonomous AI: Practical Consequences in Private Law
1 Introduction
2 Identification/Domicile
3 Right to Personality
4 Legal Capacity/Property
5 Capacity to Contract
6 Liability
7 Conclusion

Artificial Intelligenceś Black Box: Posing New Ethical and Legal Challenges on Modern Societies
1 Introduction
2 What is an Autonomous AI System?
3 What is the Black Box Problem or Black Box Effect?
3.1 Complexity
3.2 Lack of Visibility into Training Data Sets or into Methods of Data Selection
3.3 Limited Understanding of the Inherent Biases in Training Data Sets
3.4 Technological Illiteracy and Cognitive Mismatch Between Human and Artificial Intelligence
4 Applications of Autonomous AI Systems with Potential Adverse Effects on Human Rights

4.1 Decision-Making at Recruitment, Dismissal, or Promotion Procedures in the Job Market
4.2 Loan Risk Assessment Systems in the Banking Sector
4.3 Health Status Assessment for Insurance Purposes
4.4 Criminal Recidivism Prediction
4.5 Contract-Conclusion Through AI Systems and Artwork Recommendations by AI Systems
4.6 AI Artifacts and Intellectual Property Rights
4.7 Damage Caused by Self-Driving Vehicles
5 Guiding Principles for Counteracting the Black-Box Effect
5.1 Creation and Implementation of an Ethical Box in Autonomous AI Systems
5.2 Transparency

5.3 Human Oversight over the Autonomous AI System
6 Conclusions
Part II: AI and Civil Liability
The Role of the Autonomous Machines at the Conclusion of a Contract: Contractual Responsibility According to Current Rules of ...
1 Introduction
2 Definitions: Case Studies
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Case Studies
3 The Legal Role of Intelligent Agents at the Stage of Conclusion of a Contract
3.1 The Autonomous Machines as Mere Communication Tools
3.2 The Autonomous Machines as Agents Under the Law of Disclosed Agency
4 Prospects
5 Conclusion

Understanding the Risks of Artificial Intelligence as a Precondition for Sound Liability Regulation
1 Introduction
2 The Risk-Based Approach to Regulation and the Role of Liability
3 Understanding AI
4 Characteristics of AI
4.1 Autonomy
4.2 Opacity
4.3 Vulnerability
5 Risks Relevant for Liability Regulation
6 The Risk-Based Approach to Liability
7 AI-Specific or Technology-Neutral Approach
8 Conclusion
Part III: AI and Issues of Responsibility and Adjudication

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