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17 Differentials
Differentials for rings and extensions of algebras
(17.1) Derivations and Kähler differentials for rings.
(17.2) Extensions of algebras by modules.
Differentials for sheaves on schemes
(17.3) Conormal sheaf of an immersion.
(17.4) Derivations and Kähler differentials for schemes.
(17.5) Fundamental exact sequences for Kähler differentials.
(17.6) Tangent bundles.
(17.7) Differentials of Grassmannians and of projective bundles.
The de Rham complex
(17.8 )The exterior algebra.

(17.9 )Differential graded algebras.
(17.10 )The de Rham complex.
18 Étale and smooth morphisms
Formally unramified, formally smooth and formally étale morphisms
(18.1) Definition of formally unramified, formally smooth and formally étale morphisms.
(18.2) Formally unramified morphisms and differentials.
(18.3) Gluing local lifts.
(18.4) Formally smooth resp. formally étale morphisms and differentials.
Unramified and étale morphisms
(18.5) Unramified morphisms.
(18.6) Étale morphisms.
(18.7) Local description of étale morphisms.

(18.8) Characterization of étale morphisms.
Smooth morphisms
(18.9) Geometrically regular schemes.
(18.10) Characterization of smooth morphisms.
(18.11) Characterizations of smooth morphisms in the noetherian case.
(18.12) Smooth schemes over a field.
(18.13) Smooth morphisms and differentials.
(18.14) Smooth and étale morphisms between smooth schemes.
(18.15) Open immersions and étale morphisms.
(18.16) Fibre criterion for smooth and étale morphisms.
(18.17) Generic Smoothness.
19 Local complete intersections

The Koszul complex and completely intersecting immersions
(19.1) Koszul complex.
(19.2) Regular and completely intersecting sequences.
(19.3) Regular and completely intersecting immersions.
(19.4) Regular immersions of flat and of smooth schemes.
(19.5) Blow-up of regularly immersed smooth subschemes.
Local complete intersection and syntomic morphisms
(19.6) Local complete intersection morphisms.
(19.7) Complete intersection rings.
(19.8) Local complete intersection morphisms over a field.
(19.9) Syntomic morphisms.
20 The étale topology

Henselian rings
(20.1) Definition of henselian rings.
(20.2) Sections of smooth morphisms.
(20.3) Sections of étale and smooth schemes over henselian rings.
(20.4) Henselian pairs.
The étale topology
(20.5) Étale topology.
(20.6) Lifting of étale schemes.
(20.7) Sheaves in the étale topology.
(20.8) Points and stalks in the étale topology.
(20.9) Stalks of the structure sheaf: (strict) henselization.
(20.10) Unibranch schemes.
(20.11) Artin approximation.
(20.12) Analytification of schemes over C.
The étale fundamental group of a scheme

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