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2.5 Nature in Contemporary Cultures: Main Concepts and Still Open Issues
3 Mother Nature: Representations, Isotopies, and Meanings
3.1 Mother, Female, Goddess: Who is Mother Nature?
3.2 The Iconography of Mother Nature in the Past: Relevant Case Studies in the Western Arts
3.3 The Iconography of Mother Nature in the Present: Relevant Case Studies in Western Popular Culture
3.3.1 Mother Nature in Music
3.3.2 Mother Nature in the Mass Media: Comics, Movies and TV Programmes
3.3.3 Mother Nature in Advertising
3.4 Concluding Remarks

4 Between Natural and Cultural Catastrophes: A Look at Apocalyptic Collective Imaginaries
4.1 The Catastrophe as a "Critical Point"
4.2 Catastrophic Scenarios and the Nature/Culture Dilemma
4.3 Fictional Apocalyptic Collective Imaginaries: The Case of Cinema
4.3.1 Matrix 1: The End of the World as a "Natural" Catastrophe
4.3.2 Matrix 2: The End of the World as a "Cultural" Catastrophe
4.3.3 A Unifying Model: Nature as Culture
4.4 From Fictional to Non-fictional Apocalyptic Collective Imaginaries: A Never-Ending Dichotomy?

5 "Uncooking" the Cooked: How to Eat Nature
5.1 From the Raw to the Cooked... and Back
5.2 "Clean Eating", or the Taboo of Processed Food
5.3 GMOs Versus Organic Food: A Never-Ending Debate
5.4 The Mediterranean Diet: A "Natural" Regimen?
5.5 Aphrodisiac Foods, or the Seductive Potential of "Nature"
5.6 Nature on the Plate: Concluding Remarks
6 "Just as Nature Intended": Reflections on Nakedness and Corporeality
6.1 Nakedness in Between Nature and Culture
6.2 Nudity in the Classical Age
6.3 Nudity in Christian Culture

6.4 Nudity from the Renaissance to Contemporary Culture
6.5 Nudity as a "Political" Means, Between Protest and Performance Art
6.5.1 The Naked Athena: Nudity, Protest, and Empowerment
6.5.2 Marina Abramović: Nudity, Performance Art and Agency
6.6 Concluding Remarks
7 A Walk Through the Light(s) and the Path Towards an Internatural Turn
7.1 "Hommage à la Nature": The 2022 Edition of the Fête des Lumières in Lyon
7.2 A Recurring Dichotomy: Isotopies, Limits, and Problems of Today's Praised Nature

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