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1. Smith, Smith and Seth, and Newton on Taking to be True (Jody Azzouni)
2. To Witness Facts with the Eyes of Reason: Herschel on Physical Astronomy and the Method of Residual Phenomena (Teru Miyake)
3. Newton on the Relativity of Motion and the Method of Mathematical Physics (Robert DiSalle)
4. Henry Cavendish and the Density of the Earth (Allan Franklin)
5. Does the Present Overdetermine the Past? (Craig W. Fox)
6. Newtons Example of the Two Globes (Monica Solomon)
7. On Metaphysics and Method in Newton (Howard Stein)
8. Working Hypotheses, Mathematical Representation, and the Logic of Theory-Mediation (Zvi Biener, Mary Domski)
9. Newtons Principia and Philosophical Mechanics (Katherine Brading)
10. Newton on Quadratures: a Brief Outline (Niccol Guicciardini)
11. A tale of Two Forces: Metaphysics and its Avoidance in Newtons Principia (Andrew Janiak)
12. Theory-Mediated Measurement and Newtonian Methodology (Michael Friedman)
13. Immediacy of Attraction and Equality of Interaction in Kants Dynamics (Katherine Dunlop)
14. Remarks on J. L. Lagranges Mchanique Analitique (Sandro Caparrini)
15. Ptolemys Scientific Cosmology (N.M. Swerdlow)
16. Revisiting Accepted Science: the Indispensability of the History of Science (George E. Smith).

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