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Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
Towards Forward Responsibility in BDI Agents
Imperative and Event-Driven Programming of Interoperable Software Agents
vGOAL: a GOAL-based Specification Language for Safe Autonomous Decision-Making
Agents and Microservices
Protocol-Based Engineering of Microservices
Exploiting Service-Discovery and OpenAPI in Multi-Agent MicroServices (MAMS) Applications
Using Multi-Agent MicroServices (MAMS) for Agent-Based Modelling
Strategy, Reasoning, and Planning
Dynamics of Causal Dependencies in Multi-agent Settings
Multi-armed Bandit Based Tariff Generation Strategy for Multi-Agent Smart Grid Systems
Load Balancing in Distributed Multi-Agent Path Finder (DMAPF)
Engineering Domains and Applications
A Multi-Agent Approach for Decentralized Voltage Regulation in Micro Grids by Considering Distributed Generators
Synthesizing Multi-agent System Organization from Engineering Descriptions
Towards Developing Digial Twin Enabled Multi-Agent Systems
Agents in Hypermedia Environments
Towards Context-based Authorizations for Interactions in Hypermedia-driven Agent Environments : The CASHMERE Framework
Towards Context-based Authorizations for Interactions in Hypermedia
Pody: A Solid-based Approach to Embody Agents in Web-based Multi-Agent Systems
Frameworks, Tooling, and DevOps
Fantastic MASs and where to find them: First results and lesson learned
The Entity-Operation Model for Practical Multi-entity Deployment
Remote Deployment of a JADE Agent in Docker.

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