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1 Topic-Focused Introduction to R and Data sets Used
1.1 Resources and Software for the Imputation of Missing Values
1.1.1 Amelia
1.1.2 mi
1.1.3 mice (and BaBooN)
1.1.4 missMDA
1.1.5 missForest and missRanger
1.1.6 robCompositions
1.1.7 VIM
1.2 The Statistics Environment R
1.3 Simple Calculations in R
1.4 Installation of and Updates
1.5 Help
1.6 The R Workspace and the Working Directory
1.7 Data Types

1.8 Generic Functions, Methods, and Classes
1.9 A Note on Functions with the Same Name in Different Packages
1.10 Basic Data Manipulation with the dplyr Package
1.10.1 Pipes
1.10.2 dplyr-tibbles
1.10.3 dplyr-Selection of Rows
1.10.4 dplyr-Order
1.10.5 dplyr-Selection of Columns
1.10.6 dplyr-Uniqueness
1.10.7 dplyr-Creating Variables
1.10.8 dplyr-Grouping and Summary Statistics
1.10.9 dplyr-Window Functions
1.11 Data Manipulation with the data.table Package
1.11.1 data.table-Variable Construction
1.11.2 data.table-Indexing/Subsetting

1.11.3 data.table-Keys
1.11.4 data.table-Fast Subsetting
1.11.5 data.table-Calculations in Groups
1.12 Data Sets
1.12.1 Census Data from UCI
1.12.2 Airquality
1.12.3 Breast Cancer
1.12.4 Brittleness Index
1.12.5 Kola C-horizon Data
1.12.6 Colic Horse Data
1.12.7 New York Collission Data
1.12.8 Diabetes
1.12.9 Austrian EU-SILC Data
1.12.10 Food Consumption
1.12.11 Pulp Lignin
1.12.12 Structural Business Statistics Data
1.12.13 Mammal Sleep Data
1.12.14 West Pacific Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Data
1.12.15 Wine Tasting and Price of Wines

1.12.16 Further Data Sets
2 Distribution, Pre-analysis of Missing Values and Data Quality
2.1 Introduction
2.2 How Does Missing Data Arise?
2.2.1 Surveys in Official Statistics and Surveys Obtained with Questionaires
2.2.2 Comment on Structural Zeros and Non-applicable Questions in a Questionaire
2.2.3 Missing Values from Measuring Experiments
2.2.4 Censored Values
2.2.5 Monotone Missingness
2.3 Missing Value Mechanisms
2.3.1 Missing at Random (MAR)
2.3.2 Missing at Completely Random (MCAR)
2.3.3 Missing Not at Random (MNAR)
2.3.4 Example

2.3.5 Summary on MCAR, MAR, and MNAR
2.4 Limitations for the Detection of the Missing Value Mechanisms
2.5 Kinds of Attributes
2.5.1 Binary and Nominal Variables and Related Distances
2.5.2 Ordered Categorical Variables
2.5.3 Count Variables, Continuous Variables, Semi-continuous Variables, and Related Distances
2.5.4 The Gower Distance
2.6 Data Quality and Consistency of Data
2.6.1 Outliers Outliers in Relation with Other Data Problems What Is an Outlier and When an Outlier Should Be Deleted and Imputed? Univariate Methods

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