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Chapter 1. Distress reactions during the pandemic and fear of COVID-19 in Brazil
Chapter 2. COVID-19 related stress and risks of mental health problems
Chapter 3. "I'd rather die than get fat in quarantine": Psychological effects of fatphobia during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil
Chapter 4. Anxiety and emotional intelligence among caregivers and non-caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador
Chapter 5. The impact of virtual social contact on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico
Chapter 6. Relationship between subjective well-being, living conditions, anxiety/depression and drug use in Mexican adults in the early stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 7. Perceptions of work-related stress factors in Brazilian public university employees at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 8. What has COVID-19 meant to people's lives in Mexico? A psychosocial analysis based on semantic networks
Chapter 9. Professional and occupational perfectionism: A protective and psychosocial risk factor
Chapter 10. Anxiety and depression in Mexican adults: Differences in remaining, or not, in confinement.-PART II. SOCIAL AND FAMILY DYNAMICS
Chapter 11. Favela fashion and the avatars of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
Chapter 12. The day after: Collective behaviors for the prevention of COVID-19 during and after the Paraguays national quarantine period
Chapter 13. Social distancing due to COVID-19 as a family violence risk factor among Mexican university students: An analysis from a gender perspective
Chapter 14. An exploratory study on family and economic conflicts in Mexican university students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 15. A look at violence in the time of COVID-19 in Mexico
Chapter 16. Financial perception and subjective wellbeing among Colombian university students in the context of the "Free Tuition" program during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 17. Social isolation and its effect on subjective well-being and sociocultural adjustment in Mexico
Chapter 18. Jealousy in the context of social distancing due to COVID-19 in Mexico
Chapter 19. COVID-19 and intimate partner relationships in Puerto Rico: A phenomenological perspective
Chapter 20. The state of the practices and the practices of the states: The case of Argentina PART III. EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES, LEARNING, AND INTERVENTIONS
Chapter 21. The day after: Impact of COVID-19 on teachers and their work in Paraguay
Chapter 22. Psychologists in training in times of pandemic: Experiences from home/school with partners/family in Mexican undergraduate students
Chapter 23. Education in times of pandemic: A systematic review of its implications for students mental health
Chapter 24. Teacher training in virtual communities of practice at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chapter 25. Characteristics of teaching and learning for Argentine teachers during mandatory quarantine and the perception of their work at home
Chapter 26. The COVID-19 pandemic and its implications in education: E-learning challenges in Latin American contexts
Chapter 27. (Re)adapting parenting education interventions from face-to-face to online format in Brazil
Chapter 28. Inequalities and construction of meanings in the educational psychology curriculum for training the trainers in Argentina during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 29. Redesigning inclusive education practices: From the epistemic shock of artifact appropriation to the paradox of caring for one another through social distancing
Chapter 30. Students with high academic achievement and their experience during lockdown due to COVID-19
Chapter 31. The COVID-19 pandemic and the voices of Brazilian school education stakeholders
Chapter 32. Schooled Argentine children and adolescents in times of COVID-19: Comprehensive sexual education from a human rights approach
Chapter 33. The virtual historical archive as a tool for teaching the history of psychology in the context of COVID-19.-PART IV. PRACTICES AND EXPERIENCES OF HEALTH PERSONNEL
Chapter 34. The therapist in a pandemic context: Self-care in times of crisis
Chapter 35. Experiences of suffering in narratives of female psychologists delivering mental health services in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 36. Professional burnout risk factors for medical personnel working in primary health care in Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 37. Psychological impact of COVID-19 on students of medicine in Los Palacios, Cuba
Chapter 38. Treating anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: Discussing issues and prospects among psychologists from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Canada
Chapter 39. Supporting each other in a community of practice to address the pandemic in Mexico: The experience of teachers and psychologists in a virtual workshop on self-knowledge
Chapter 40. Mental health and stress in medical students in Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 41. Psychological safety in health emergencies: On being safe to provide safety in Cuba.

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