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Part I. Normal Cardiac Rhythm and Pacemaker Activity
Chapter 1. Cardiac Ion Channels and Heart Rate and Rhythm
Chapter 2. A Historical Perspective on the Development of Models of Rhythm in the Heart
Chapter 3. Ionic Basis of the Pacemaker Activity of SA Node Cell Revealed by the Lead Potential Analysis
Chapter 4. The Funny Pacemaker Current
Chapter 5. Cardiac Pacemaking is an Emergent Property of Complex Synchronized Signaling on Multiple Scales
Chapter 6. Unique Features of the Human Sinoatrial Node Structure, Function and Arrhythmias: Mechanistic Insights from Integrated 3D Mapping Approaches
Chapter 7. Mechano-Electric Coupling in the Heart: Effects on Heart Rate and Rhythm
Part II. Neurocardiac Axis and Arrhythmias
Chapter 8. Fundamental Neurocardiology: The Intracardiac Nervous System
Chapter 9. The Neuro-cardiac Axis in Arrhythmogenesis: Role and Impact of Autonomic Modulation
Part III. Role of Specific Channels and Subcellular Structures in Arrhythmia
Chapter 10. L-type Ca2+ Channels and Cardiac Arrhythmias
Chapter 11. Kv11.1 (hERG1) Channels and Cardiac Arrhythmia
Chapter 12. TRP Channels in Cardiac Arrhythmia: Their Role During Purinergic Activation Induced by Ischemia
Chapter 13. Role of NCX1 and NHE1 in Ventricular Arrhythmia
Chapter 14. Gap Junctions and Cardiac Impulse Propagation. New Aspects of Arrhythmogenesis and Antiarrhythmic Agents T
Chapter 15. Role of the T-Tubules in the Control of Cellular Calcium and Inotropic Interventions in Cardiac Ventricular Myocytes
Chapter 16. Structure of Transverse (T)-tubules in Health and Disease
Chapter 17. Enlightening Cardiac Arrhythmia with Optogenetics
Part IV. Mechanisms of Acquired Arrhythmia
Chapter 18. An Overview of Spiral- and Scroll-Wave Dynamics In Mathematical Models for Cardiac Tissue
Chapter 19. The Role of Intracellular Ca2+ in Arrhythmias in the Postmyocardial Infarction Heart
Chapter 20. Characteristics of Intracellular Ca2+ Handling Proteins in Heart Function in Health and Disease
Chapter 21. Implications of Sarcolemmal Ca2+-handling Proteins in Heart Function in Health and Disease
Chapter 22. Calmodulin Kinase II Regulation of Heart Rhythm and Disease
Chapter 23. Pathways in Human Arrhythmias: Impact of Post-Translational Modifications
Chapter 24. Viral Myocarditis
Chapter 25. Epigenetic Influences of Air Pollution-Induced Cardiac Arrhythmias
Part V. Mechanisms of Inherited Arrhythmia
Chapter 26. The Short QT Syndrome
Chapter 27. Defects in Ankyrin-Based Protein Targeting Pathways in Human Arrhythmia
Part VI. Novel Antiarrhythmic Approaches
Chapter 28. Ion Channels as New Drug Targets in Atrial Fibrillation
Chapter 29. K Channel Openers as New Antiarrhythmic Agents.

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