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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Aphid as a Crop Pest
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Economic Importance
1.3 Ecology
1.3.1 Host Plant Selection
1.3.2 Polymorphism in Aphids
1.3.3 Aphid-Endosymbiont Microbes
1.4 Damage
1.5 Aphid-plant Interaction
1.5.1 Plant Defense Responses against Aphid
1.6 Current Management Practices and Challenges
1.7 Aphid Species of Most Agriculture Importance
1.7.1 Pea Aphid ( Acyrthosiphon pisum)

1.7.2 Black Bean Aphid (Aphis fabae)
1.7.3 Cotton Aphid (Aphis gossypii)
1.7.4 Mustard Aphid (Lipaphis pseudobrassicae)
1.7.5 Potato Aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)
1.7.6 Peach-Potato Aphid (Myzus persicae)
1.7.7 Bird Cherry-Oat Aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi)
1.7.8 Grain Aphid (Sitobion avenae)
1.8 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Peach-Potato Aphid Myzus persicae : General Introduction
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Life Cycle
2.3 Distribution
2.4 Host Plant
2.5 Damage
2.6 Feeding
2.7 Polymorphism and Host Alternation
2.8 Conclusion

Chapter 3: Economic Importance and Traits Influence Control Strategies
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Economic Importance of the Peach-potato Aphid
3.3 Traits InfluencE the Control Strategies
3.3.1 Reproduction and Short Maturation Time
3.3.2 Telescoping of Generations
3.3.3 Suppression of Plant Defenses
3.3.4 The Evolution of Resistance to Insecticides
3.3.5 Polymorphism
3.3.6 Biotype Formation
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Current Management Strategies, Challenges, and Proposed Solutions
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Current Management Practices

4.2.1 Cultural Practices
4.2.2 Mechanical Control
4.2.3 Biological Control
4.2.4 Chemical Control
4.3 Challenges with Current Management Practices
4.3.1 Lack of Resistant Cultivars
4.3.2 Adverse Effect on Non-Target Organisms
4.3.3 Elicitation of Plant Defense: An Underutilized Tool
4.3.4 Underutilization of Cultural Practices
4.3.5 Limitations with Biological Control
4.3.6 Regulatory Restrictions
4.4 Proposed Solutions
4.4.1 Applying Ecological Principles
4.4.2 Traps and Lures
4.4.3 Augmentative Release of Biocontrol Agents
4.4.4 Genetic Engineering

4.4.5 Host Plant Resistance
4.4.6 Induced Resistance
4.4.7 Precision Agriculture
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5: Successful Examples
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Resistant Plant Cultivars
5.3 Induced Plant DEFENSE
5.4 Intercropping
5.5 A Proposed IPM for Myzus persicae
5.6 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Wild Ancestors of the Potato as Potential Sources of Resistance against Aphid Myzus persicae
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Aim and Objectives
6.3 Aphid Performance Bioassay
6.4 Air Entrainment
6.5 Behavioral Bioassay
6.5.1 Aphid Behavioral Response

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