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Prologue : the moment that changed my life / Shawn F. Briscoe
Debate and disinformation / Sara B. Sanchez
Truth, a casualty of intellectual warfare? / Shawn F. Briscoe
Finding home / Alex Berry
Putting debate skills to work / Aubrey Semple
Inspired learning / Gina Iberra-Shea
Debate and the college experience / Nya Fifer
Around the world and back again / Ashley Snookes
Policy debate in a postmodern society / Benjamin Collinger
Defending policy debate / Shawn F. Briscoe
Debate as a framework for business / Yari L. Mitchell
Engaging each other on the merits of our arguments / Sean Luechtefeld
A mother's journey from debate to the NICU / Tara L. Tate
Interlude : classrooms of compassion / Shawn F. Briscoe
The constant pursuit of inclusivity / Nicole D. Nave
Living Inupiat storytelling in four generations of family / Paul Ongtooguk and Pulgeenok Methanie Ongtooguk
Defining black cards / Jamal Burns
Ship of faith / Desiree Hill and Maya McGregory
A tool for career readiness / Ravi Rao
In it together / Nicole Wanzer-Serrano
The debater / Rashad Howard.

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