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Table of Contents
The first time I was stoned to death ...
Monkey, donkey, master, mule
The expensive nature of love
Our well-being hindered by a well being hindered
A list of killers and reasons for killing
Enter the Viking Berserker
A little sleep, a little folding of the hands to rest
Death by dreaming
Enter the Mongol gunner
The buyer of dreams
Ablutions and pollutions
A quick aside
Enter the Rogue Legion of the Roman Army
The end of my testimony
The cost of six bolts of silk
The expansive nature of love.
Monkey, donkey, master, mule
The expensive nature of love
Our well-being hindered by a well being hindered
A list of killers and reasons for killing
Enter the Viking Berserker
A little sleep, a little folding of the hands to rest
Death by dreaming
Enter the Mongol gunner
The buyer of dreams
Ablutions and pollutions
A quick aside
Enter the Rogue Legion of the Roman Army
The end of my testimony
The cost of six bolts of silk
The expansive nature of love.