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Notes on Contributors
1. Introduction
1 The Importance of Place
2 Ruminating About Place, Space, and "Universal" Science
3 Local Origins: Turning Around a Needham Question
4 Multiple Places
5 Geographies of Knowledge: Place vs. Space and Places of Accumulation and Control
2. Escape from Capnopolis: William Stukeley's 'True Academick Life'
1 An Inclination to Retirement
2 The Spoils of the Dead
3 The Perils of Fumopolis
4 Grantham: Useful Pleasure and the Sylva Academi
5 Living and Dying in Stamford
6 London: Sociable Solitude
3. Something is in the Air: Experimental Spaces, Analogical Reasoning, and the Problem
1 Introduction
2 Army Medicine and John Pringle's Experimental Program
3 Mme Thiroux d'Arconville's Essay on Putrefaction
4 Problems of Application: Antiseptics for Anatomical Preparations
5 From Mme Thiroux d'Arconville to David Macbride: Fixing Antiseptics
6 Animating Putrefaction at the Dijon Academy
7 The Economy of Nature: Likening the Living to the Dead
4. Instrument Makers, Shops, and Expertise in Eighteenth-Century London
1 Organisation of Space
2 Workshops and Working Practices
3 The Instrument Maker's Shop and Display Strategies
4 Identifying and Asserting Expertise and Authorship
5 Conclusion
5. 'My Collection in All Its Branches': The Imagined Space of Early Modern Scientific Correspondence
6. The Dissemination of Chemical Theory and Chemical Instruments through Cabinets, Laboratories
1 Introduction
2 Instruments in the Chemical Revolution
3 Martinus van Marum: Demonstration, Persuasion, and the Development of Instruments
4 Onderdewijngaart Canzius and the Peter Principle
5 Georges Parrot and the Establishment of a Philosophical Cabinet and a Chemical Laboratory in Dorpat.

5.1 Chemistry in a New University
5.2 Adam Wilhelm Hauch, Chemical Apparatus and the Chemical Revolution in Denmark
7. The Public Space of Knowledge and the Public Sphere of Science
1 Technological Displays: The Interaction Process and Publics as Experts
1.1 Talking Heads Versus Balloons, Paris, Autumn 1783
1.2 A Flourishing Consumption Culture of Science and Techniques
1.3 Mapping Demonstrations and the "Emancipated Spectator"
2 The Ballooning Workshop
2.1 Preparing Flight: A Collective Enterprise
2.2 The Rise of the Balloon: An Urban Dramaturgy
3 Conclusion
8. The Space Between: James Dinwiddie and the Transit of Science, 1760-1815
1 A Matter of Instruments
2 Practical Spaces
3 The Chemist of Long Acre
4 Electrical Airs
9. "Both by Sea and Land": William Whiston, Longitude, and the Measurement of Space
1 Whiston and Ditton's Projects
2 Longitude on Land
3 Conclusion

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