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Front Cover
Half-Title Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1: Working with Data
Import Statements for this Chapter
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Dealing with Data: What Can Go Wrong?
Analyzing Missing Data
Explanation of Data Types
Data Preprocessing
Working with Data Types
What is Drift?
What is Data Leakage?
Model Selection and Preparing Datasets
Types of Dependencies Among Features
Data Cleaning and Imputation
Chapter 2: Outlier and Anomaly Detection
Import Statements for this Chapter
Working with Outliers
Finding Outliers with NumPy
Finding Outliers with Pandas
Finding Outliers with Scikit-Learn (Optional)
Fraud Detection
Techniques for Anomaly Detection
Working with Imbalanced Datasets
Chapter 3: Cleaning Datasets
Prerequisites for this Chapter
Analyzing Missing Data
Pandas, CSV Files, and Missing Data
Missing Data and Imputation
Skewed Datasets
CSV Files with Multi-Row Records
Column Subset and Row Subrange of Titanic CSV File
Data Normalization
Handling Categorical Data
Working with Currency
Working with Dates
Working with Quoted Fields
What is SMOTE?
Data Wrangling
Chapter 4: Working with Models
Import Statements for this Chapter
Techniques for Scaling Data
Examples of Splitting and Scaling Data
The Confusion Matrix
The ROC Curve and AUC Curve
Exploring the Titanic Dataset
Steps for Training Classifiers
Diagram for Partitioned Datasets
A KNN-Based Model with the wine.csv Dataset
Other Models with the wine.csv Dataset
A KNN-Based Model with the bmi.csv Dataset
A KNN-Based Model with the Diabetes.csv Dataset
SMOTE and the Titanic Dataset
EDA and Data Visualization.

What about Regression and Clustering?
Feature Importance
What is Feature Engineering?
What is Feature Selection?
What is Feature Extraction?
Data Cleaning and Machine Learning
Chapter 5: Matplotlib and Seaborn
Import Statements for this Chapter
What is Data Visualization?
What is Matplotlib?
Matplotlib Styles
Display Attribute Values
Color Values in Matplotlib
Cubed Numbers in Matplotlib
Horizontal Lines in Matplotlib
Slanted Lines in Matplotlib
Parallel Slanted Lines in Matplotlib
Lines and Labeled Vertices in Matplotlib
A Dotted Grid in Matplotlib
Lines in a Grid in Matplotlib
Two Lines and a Legend in Matplotlib
Loading Images in Matplotlib
A Checkerboard in Matplotlib
Randomized Data Points in Matplotlib
A Set of Line Segments in Matplotlib
Plotting Multiple Lines in Matplotlib
Trigonometric Functions in Matplotlib
A Histogram in Matplotlib
Histogram with Data from a Sqlite3 Table
Plot a Best-Fitting Line with ggplot
Plot Bar Charts
Plot a Pie Chart
Heat Maps
Save Plot as a PNG File
Working with SweetViz
Working with Skimpy
3D Charts in Matplotlib
Plotting Financial Data with Mplfinance
Charts and Graphs with Data from Sqlite3
Working with Seaborn
Seaborn Dataset Names
Seaborn Built-In Datasets
The Iris Dataset in Seaborn
The Titanic Dataset in Seaborn
Extracting Data from Titanic Dataset in Seaborn (1)
Extracting Data from Titanic Dataset in Seaborn (2)
Visualizing a Pandas Data Frame in Seaborn
Seaborn Heat Maps
Seaborn Pair Plots
What is Bokeh?
Introduction to Scikit-Learn
The Digits Dataset in Scikit-Learn
The Iris Dataset in Scikit-Learn (1)
The Iris Dataset in Scikit-Learn (2)
Advanced Topics in Seaborn
Appendix: Working with awk
The awk Command.

Aligning Text with the printf() Statement
Conditional Logic and Control Statements
Deleting Alternate Lines in Datasets
Merging Lines in Datasets
Matching with Metacharacters and Character Sets
Printing Lines Using Conditional Logic
Splitting File Names with awk
Working with Postfix Arithmetic Operators
Numeric Functions in awk
One-Line awk Commands
Useful Short awk Scripts
Printing the Words in a Text String in awk
Count Occurrences of a String in Specific Rows
Printing a String in a Fixed Number of Columns
Printing a Dataset in a Fixed Number of Columns
Aligning Columns in Datasets
Aligning Columns and Multiple Rows in Datasets
Removing a Column from a Text File
Subsets of Column-Aligned Rows in Datasets
Counting Word Frequency in Datasets
Displaying Only "Pure" Words in a Dataset
Working with Multi-Line Records in awk
A Simple Use Case
Another Use Case

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