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Introduction : movements, movimientos, and movidas / Maria Cotera, Maylei Blackwell, and Dionne Espinoza
Francisca Flores, and the history of the league of Mexican American women and its evolution into the Comision Femenil Mexicana Nacional, 1958/1975 / Anna NietoGomez
Mujeres Bravas : how Chicana feminists championed the equal rights amendment and feminist agenda in 1977 at the Texas women's Meeting and the International Women's Year National Conference / Martha P. Cotera
"Women need to find their voice" : Latinas speak out in the midwest, 1972 / Leticia Wiggins
"It's not a natural order" : religion and the emergence of Chicana feminism in the Cursillo movement in San Jose / Susana L. Gallardo
Many roads, one path : a testimonio of Gloria E. Anzaldua / Maylei Blackwell
La causa de los pobres : Alicia Escalante's lived experiences of poverty and the struggle for economic justice / Rosie C. Bermudez
Women who make their own worlds : the life and work of Ester Hernandez / Maylei Blackwell
Feminista frequencies : Chicana radio activism in the Pacific Northwest / Monica De La Torre
Excavating the Chicano movement : Chicana feminism, mobilization, and leadership at El Centro de la Raza, 1972/1979 / Michael D. Aguirre
The space in between : exploring the development of Chicana feminist thought in central Texas / Brenda Sendejo
Conversations on mujerista moviemaking : visions of utopia while living in occupied Aztlan / Osa Hidalgo de la Riva and Maylei Blackwell
Forging a black-brown movement : Chicana and African American women organizing for welfare rights in Los Angeles / Alejandra Marchevsky
"Tu riata es mi espalda" : Elizabeth Sutherland's Chicana formation / Annemarie Perez
"La raza en Canada" : San Diego Chicana activists, the Indochinese Women's Conference of 1971, and third world womanism / Dionne Espinoza
Maria Jimenez : reflexiones on traversing multiple fronteras in the south/ Samantha Rodriguez and Stalina Emmanuelle Villarreal
De campesina a internacionalista : a journey of encuentros y desencuentros / Olga Talamante
Unpacking our mothers' libraries : practices of Chicana memory before and after the digital turn / Maria Cotera
Refocusing Chicana international feminism : photographs, postmemory, and political trauma / Marisela R. Chavez
La mariposa de oro : the journey of an advocate / Elena Gutierrez and Virginia Martinez
My deliberate pursuit of freedom / Deanna Romero
Manifesto de memoria : (re)living the movement without blinking / Ines Hernandez-Avila.

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