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Protecting their self-interest: Native American governance in the Confederacy / William A. Blair
Apples and oranges and hardtack: on the uses of comparison in Civil War history / Aaron Sheehan-Dean
The Confederacy's use of nationalism and vice versa / Andre M. Fleche
Science and daring: Robert E. Lee as engineer, soldier, and modernizer / Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh
Guerrillas, vengeance, and mercy after Appomattox: the trial of John W. McCue / Caroline E. Janney
Robert Small's tax title case and the endurance of Land redistribution in Port Royal, South Carolina / Cynthia Nicoletti
We cannot believe Americans can do these things: erasing violence from the Civil War record / Peter S. Carmichael
Jubal A. Early, Lee commemoration, and the consolidation of Confederate history, 1870-1890 / Kathryn J. Shively
From the field of battle to the field of history: white northern veteran writers and their narratives of the Civil War / Peter C. Luebke
Taking the shape of the Civil War / Aaron Sheehan-Dean, Caroline E. Janney, and Peter S. Carmichael.

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