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Half Title
Author Bios
Part 1
1 Quality Function Deployment
Its Origins and Objectives
Quality Function Deployment Defined
Early History of Quality Function Deployment
QFD Objectives
QFD Benefits and Implementation Issues
What Is QFD Being Used for Today
2 Using Quality Function Deployment to Drive Organizational Excellence
Managing the Organization's Value
Increasing Revenues
Decreasing Cost
Dealing With Market Shifts and Cycle-Time Reduction

QFD-A Rapid Product Development and Communication Tool
QFD's Role as a Communication Tool
3 Step-by-Step Quality Function Deployment
Using Sequential and Concurrent Design
Breaking Down the Walls of Product or Service Design
Developing a Design Process
Design Process Steps and Task Responsibility
Design Process Steps
Responsibility for Design Process Steps
Identifying Tasks Within the Design Element Steps
Functional Responsibility for Key Tasks
The Design Process Steps, Tasks, Responsibilities, and Process Flow
Part 2

4 Translating Supportability Aspirations Into Measurable Characteristics
The System Supportability Challenge
Easy to Maintain
Cost-Effective to Maintain
Safe to Maintain
Minimum Requirements for Manpower
Maximum Use of Existing Personnel
Minimum Requirements for Test Equipment
Maximum Use of Existing Tools and Support Equipment
Minimum Numbers of Resources
Maximum Use of Existing Facilitates
Maximum Use of Standard Parts
Quickly Prepared for Shipment or Transport
Transported by Standard Modes
Interface With Existing Support Systems

Restating the Requirements
5 Supportability Characteristic Assessment
Supportability Characteristics Assessment
First Functional, Then Physical
Functional Requirements Assessment
Supportability Comparison Analysis
Supportability Standardization Analysis
Supportability Technology Benefit Analysis
Supportability Support Infrastructure Analysis
Supportability Goals, Thresholds, and Constraints
Using a QFD Modeling Methodology to Manage Functional Supportability
6 Functional Supportability Analysis
Physical Supportability Analysis

Level of Repair Analysis
The Physical Product Support Resource Package
Application of the Physical Product Supportability Analysis Process
Developing the Functional Supportability Solution Using QFD
Part 3
7 The Evolving Product and/or Service Requirement
Systems Acquisition Case Study
Defining the Need
Environmental Impact on Systems Design
The Physical Environmental Effects on the System
The Systems Effect on the Physical Environment
Performance, Quality, Support, and the Cost of Ownership
System Rate of Use

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