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Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part I: The Fundamentals of Electric Utility Resource Planning
Chapter 1: Introduction
Why Write this Book?
Who is this Book Written For?
An Overview of the Book's First Edition (i.e., Part I of this Book)
An Overview of the Book's Second Edition (i.e., Part II of this Book)
Are We Keeping it Simple?
A Few Words Regarding Assumptions Used in the Book
A Couple of Disclaimers
Chapter 2: How Does an Electric Utility Actually "Work"?
Two "Types" of Electric Utilities

Whose Perspective Will Be Taken?
What Aspects of an Electric Utility Will we Focus on?
Types of Generating Units a Utility May Have
How Does a Utility Decide which Generating Units to Use?
Let's Create a Hypothetical Utility System
Now Let's Operate our Hypothetical Utility System
Utility System Operation on the Summer Peak Day
Utility System Operation Over the Course of a Year
So What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go Next?
Chapter 3: Overview of Utility Resource Planning
One More Assumption Regarding Our Hypothetical Utility System

Three Questions Utility Resource Planning Must Always Answer
Reliability Analysis: When Does a Utility Need to Add New Resources and What is the Magnitude of Those Needed Resources?
Reserve Margin Perspective (Simple to Calculate)
Probabilistic Perspective (Not so Simple to Calculate)
Which Reliability Perspective is More Important?
Resource Option Evaluation and Selection: What is the Best Resource Option to Select for a Given Utility?
Two Basic Types of Resource Options: Supply and Demand Side Management Options
Integrated Resource Planning (IRP)
Economic Evaluations

Preliminary Economic Screening Evaluation of Supply Options
Preliminary Economic Screening Evaluation of DSM Options
Final (or System) Economic Evaluations
Non-Economic Evaluations
Non-Economic Consideration Example (I): The Length of Time it Takes Before a Resource Plan Becomes the Economic Choice
Non-Economic Consideration Example (II): The Utility System's Fuel Usage due to a Resource Plan
Non-Economic Consideration Example (III): The Utility System's Air Emissions due to a Resource Plan
Chapter 4: Reliability Analyses for Our Utility System

When Does Our Utility System Need New Resources?
What is the Magnitude of the New Resources Needed by Our Utility System?
What have We Learned and What is Next?
Chapter 5: Resource Option Analyses for Our Utility System: Supply Options
Types of Supply Options Under Consideration
Capital Costs: Rows (1) Through (3)
Other Fixed Costs: Rows (4) Through (7)
Operating Costs: Rows (8) Through (16)
Preliminary Economic Screening Evaluation of the Supply Options
Creating the Competing "Supply Only" Resource Plans
Final (or System) Economic Evaluation of Supply Options

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