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1. Chapter 1
CSS Basics

· Introduction

· History

· Version of CSS

· Basic HTML

· Types of CSS

· Various Properties (classes, Id, divisions)

2. Chapter 2 - CSS Properties

· Introduction

· CSS Layouts (Properties)

· CSS rules

· The @keyframes Rule

· CSS Background Properties

· CSS Border Properties

3. Chapter 3
CSS Selectors

· Introduction

· Universal Selector

· Logical Combinations Selectors

· Attribute Selectors

· Pseudo-Classes

· Combinators Selectors

4. Chapter 4 CSS Functions

· Introduction

· Basic of CSS Functions

· attr()

· blur()

· brightness()

· calc()

5. Chapter 5 - CSS Plugins

· Introduction

· Various CSS plugins based on PostCSS

· Autoprefixer

· CSSnext and so on

· CSS MarqueeMenu Plugin

6. Appraisal

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