

The objective of this project is to design and produce an alignment and installation jig for an injection molding machine’s mold frame at SABIC’s Mt. Vernon, Indiana plant. This jig will reduce the ergonomic risk experienced by the operator during the installation of the mold inserts and assist with alignment of the insert within the mold frame. To begin the design process, past projects that solved a task using a jig were researched for insights to incorporate and improve upon in this design. Using this research, three designs were conceptualized and are presented along with a pros and cons list of each. A final design was chosen from the proposed designs based off expected performance in meeting design requirements. The jig was modeled in SolidWorks and finite element analysis was conducted on the load bearing elements to determine the performance under expected loads. The design was physically constructed and tested on site. Finally, improvements to the design going forward are discussed.




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