

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on supply chains across multiple industries, including the automotive sector. It has exposed notable challenges, such as navigating through unexpected delays, sourcing necessary supplies, and facing shortages of both raw materials and workforce. These challenges have had a direct and disruptive impact on production lines, creating obstacles that hinder the smooth flow of operations and pose significant challenges to maintaining productivity. Unfortunately, professionals have often been left to rely on intuition rather than data-driven analysis when making crucial decisions in these situations. To address these issues a customizable Excel based program has been created for optimizing decision making. The mathematical model was developed using Excel to harness data-driven analysis offering valuable insights and recommendations. The model will evaluate and weigh various alternatives, such as bringing in alternative equipment, sourcing parts from local suppliers, or allocating additional personnel. By utilizing this model, companies will be empowered to make informed decisions based on objective analysis rather than relying solely on gut instincts.




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