

W. Franklin St. and 11th Ave. On the left is Conen Hall/Conen Commercial Block at 2125-2127 W. Franklin St. it was erected in 1907 for investment purposes by George and Christina Conen, who ran a saloon on the corner. In addition to retail use, the building had available space for other uses. On the second and third floors, across the front, were offices and a small meeting room. Occupying the rear portion of the structure was a two-story-high hall designed to accommodate large social gatherings. The name is gone and the ground floor facade is different, but the building still stands and is in use today. Next door, with the rounded roofline, at 2123 W. Franklin St. is the 1894 Simmons Hardware Store. The rounded parapet, which once featured Simmons' name, is gone, and a resale shop is in this location. The next set of lower buildings are gone, replaced by a bank and parking lot, until you get to the brick buildings that appear to be right next to the traction power pole in the middle, that today house Smitty's restaurant (see RH 033-482)




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