

200 block of Main St. On the left, just barely visible, is Citizens National Bank at 130 Main St. The bank, which dates to 1874, moved to this location in 1884 and expanded in 1907, changing the fa�ade. It moved to another location in 1916 and this building was razed circa 1940. Across 2nd St. is the old Bitterman building at 200 Main St., in which the Bitterman brothers established a jewelry store in 1885. They moved next door, to 202-204 Main St., in 1923. Both building still stand, although the facade on the 202-204 address is entirely different. 200 Main looks much the same other than the ground floor facade. The large building on this side (yellowish, middle ground) is the Hughes Building/Eichel Block. It was built in 1892, reusing a portion of the foundation of the old courthouse (the 1852 one) It was damaged in a 1951 fire and partially torn down; it was razed in 1984. On the right is a sign for Strouse's, at 203-205 Main St. It was founded in 1868 by 7 brothers from Baltimore. The building seen here, along with two adjoining, burned in 1945, but the business reopened in 1948. For many years it was one of the premier men's clothing stores. It went out of business in 2009. About mid-way down on this side, the building with a turret, at 301-303 Main St., was once German National Bank and then at least 2 different business colleges. It still stands but has been drastically altered and the turret long gone. This is postcard 10986.




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