

Commemorative plaque, worded thus: "The Presbyterian Meeting House "The Little Church on the Hill" was erected on this site in 1831--said house to be 30 by 50 ft.--of brick with walls 18 feet in height, to have eight windows with forty lights, each of glass 10 by 12 inches with two doors & a good roof. Cost--Lot $100 Building $1300--Population of Village, 300. Trustees Amos Clark, Alonson Warner, William Olmsted, Minister Rev. Calvin Butler. Tablet placed February 1941 by Strouse & Bros. and the Society of Fine Arts and History." This church was on Upper 2nd St., near Main St. Built in 1832, it was the first church building in Evansville. In this capacity, it held services for other denominations for 6 years. There were additions and repairs in the middle 1800s. The congregation moved out in 1863 and sometime within the next 20 years it was razed. Strouse & Bros. (Mose A. and Bernard R.,at the time of this plaque) owned a men's clothing store at 203-205 Main St. since circa 1880.




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