

Walnut St. between SE 3rd and SE 4th Sts. The clock tower was part of the old City Hall at 126 SE 3rd St., formerly 424-6 Upper 3rd St . It was built in 1887 and the top of the tower (it had a spire) was removed in the 1920s. It was razed in the 1970s but the clock was saved and eventually placed at the Transpotation Museum next to the Evansville Museum on Riverside Dr. The building with double porches was the Wolf Apartments at 316-8 Walnut St. They were built in 1924 and razed in the 1970s. They were called the Clarinda Apartments at the time of this photo. Far right is the Walnut Barber Shop at 320 Walnut St. The Hotel Vendome sign far left is misleading, there's an arrow pointing either to the hotel itself or parking--the Vendome itself was at SE 3rd St. and Sycamore St. Nothing in this photograph still stands.




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