
Correspondence from Pvt. Leo Volz to Ann Ruxer. He talks about going into town and having a good time, and then there is an unclear reference about being told by the M.P. to straighten up, although he makes this sound like a joke. He doesn't like the girls in Hawaii because he can't understand them. He comments on her getting a good job, and advises that she can go back to school when this job is over, not try to do both. He hopes she's saving a lot of money so they can have fun when he gets back. He's heard from a couple of mutual friends who seem the same as ever. She has told him to take care of himself; he says he tries but it only takes one mistake and it's all over because there is no one there to remind him about being careful. NOTE: these correspondents will marry, and were married 53 years at his death in 2000.




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