
Correspondence from Cpl. Leo Volz to Ann Ruxer. He's on K.P. for an entire week and is really pissed off about it, having to wash plates and pots all day long. She's seen Alfred Schilling (possibly Alfred J. Schilling, 1919-1986) in his dress uniform, and Leo asks how he looked. He (Leo) would like to wear an O.D. again, but all he has is C.K.C. and so he really doesn't care what he wears. He says he thought she was never going back to Siberia (a small community not that far from her) but apparently she has so he guesses she just can't stay away. He asks if she's going to quit school to work and says she might as well as he cannot save any money; if she earns some they will have something to have a good time on when he returns. He claims that he cannot save and that when he gets back, he'll let her take care of his money. He doesn't want anything from her from Christmas other than to say prayers and have a mass said for him, and that maybe next Christmas they will be together. He's looking forward to seeing a picture of her, and says he will look out for her sister Jenny and if she (Ann) wants to come along that would be fine with him. NOTE: these correspondents will marry, and were married 53 years at his death in 2000.




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