
Correspondence from Pvt. Leo Volz to Ann Ruxer. She's asked him to write longer letters but he says there's nothing to write about. In response to what he does in his spare time, he says that he has very little about that, but that when he does, he and a few other guys sit around and talk about girls, and that it's awful how some of them talk about their many conquests. There is a theatre on the post and they've seem some good shows. They're goiing to have a beer party tomorrow and hula show, and he looks forward to the grass skirts. He's met a nice little Chinese girl, but he cannot get her (meaning Ann) out of his mind and so no one else even comes near to being with her. He says to tell Laura (his sister) and for her to tell their mother that he won't be able to write until he gets paid as he has no more money for stamps. NOTE: these correspondents will marry, and were married 53 years at his death in 2000.



