
Correspondence from Pvt. Leo Volz to Ann Ruxer. He says he has been terribly sick, with a high fever, and in the hospital for a week, where he was well cared for, but no one told him what was wrong with him. If she is mad because he didn't write, well, he had no paper and pen in the hospital and there was no one to get some for him as no one visited. You just lay there till you get better. She has written him about an appendix attack and he urges her to go to the hospital and have it removed. He tells her not to send him a birthday gift because he'd not know what to do with it in the Army, and as for sending baked goods, he'd like that, but not to send any until he gets settled somewhere. He again asks here to save the two dollar bill he sent her, but if she needs to money, to let him know and he will send some. He has nothing to spend him money on so he'd rather give it to her. She's told him that he is an uncle again and he teases the new parents about having a baby so soon after getting married. He received a letter from his friend [Alious] who had gotten in trouble in school, and when the nun threatened to tell hims mother, he told his mother first and she just laughed. NOTE: these correspondents will marry, and were married 53 years at his death in 2000.




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