
Correspondence from Owen Hamilton to his sister June Meyer (June E. Hooe Hamilton Meyer, 1919-2010 (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/81471045/june-e_hooe-meyer). He's seen a Terre Haute, IN newspaper and read that Bosse High School won and would have liked to have seen how the city reacted. (Bosse won the state basketball tourney in 1943 and 1944.) Central High School is unhappy because they've never won, but from what he hears, they will right back in it next year. He went to Montgomery to see Bob (no further identification) for a last fling, along with some buddies from camp, and they had a really good time. It was in true soldier style with 2 quarts of whiskey for 10 men. He spent $20 but isn't sorry since he hadn't spent much before and this may be his last chance to spend any for a long time. While he is overseas he is going to increase his $25/month bond to a $50/month one so he will have a nice nest egg when he gets back. He pulled a good one last night....he came in at 5:30 and since he didn't have to stand retreat, he thought he'd lie down and rest before chow. He woke up at 5:30 this morning, completely dressed and wondering what had happened. It was like someone knocked him out 12 hours ago. He had the best rest ever, but tonight he doesn't feel like going to bed! Things are dull without nothing to do but wait until they are shipped out--no idea of the date, but this just makes it more thrilling. He's heard from John Burns who is in England--if he thought that's where he'd be sent, all worries would be over. He asks what she's heard of Bob--by now he's surely had his fill of KP, guard duty, Latrine Orderly, and the like. The latrine detail is hardest on morale. That's the good thing about the Army--it qualifies you for any kind of job. After the war, if things are rough, you can always fall back on one of these jobs and use the sumps, latrines, etc. as a reference. He wrote to Emmy (no further reference) and told her that it was silly for them to continue writing as it will be awhile before he is back and he's liable to return and find her married to a 4F (which he wishes he was). He doubts he will hear from her again, so if she (June) knows any good prospects, please give them his address and tell them what they've been missing all their lives! He's going to a movie since he cannot sleep--all that night sleeping hurts his day sleeping which he cannot afford to do. He has 1.5 hrs. in the air now and the firs thing you know he will be a regular pilot! It was lots of fun and he sees where he should have been. He sends Morgan (her husband) his regards and tells him he's glad that a GI dentist didn't pull his wisdom teeth ""as you know why.""




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