@article{DA, recid = {1529383}, author = {Unknown}, title = {Fleet of delivery vehicle advertising Nehi in Evansville, Indiana}, publisher = {University of Southern Indiana}, address = {n.d.}, number = {DA}, abstract = {Fleet of delivery vehicles outside the Royal Crown/Nehi bottling plant at 400 N. Main St. It advertises, Drink Nehi. This bottling plant no longer exists. From Wikipedia, Nehi /?ni?ha?/ (pronounced knee high) is a flavored soft drink that originated in the United States. It was introduced in 1924 by Chero-Cola/Union Bottle Works. The Nehi Corporation name was adopted in 1928 after the Nehi fruit-flavored sodas became popular. In 1955, the company changed its name to Royal Crown Company, after the success of its RC Cola brand. It was founded by Claud A. Hatcher, a Columbus, Georgia grocer, who began bottling ginger ale and root beer in 1905. In April 2008, Nehi became a brand of Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the United States. The cross street shown here would be Michigan St.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/1529383}, }