

Introduction : is a network perspective a useful way of studying organizations? / Nitin Nohria
Problems of explanation in economic sociology / Mark Granovetter
The social structure of competition / Ronald S. Burt
Agency as control in formal networks / Harrison C. White
Nadel's paradox revisited : relational and cultural aspects of organizational structure / Paul DiMaggio
Doing your job and helping your friends : universalistic norms about obligations to partiuclar others in networks / Carol A. Heimer
Structural alignments, individual strategies, and managerial action : elements toward a network theory of getting things done / Herminia Ibarra
Centrality and power in organizations / Daniel J. Brass and Marlene E. Burkhardt
The strenth of strong ties : the importance of philos in organizations / David Krackhardt.

Information and search in the creation of new business ventures : the case of the 128 Venture Group / Nitin Nohria
Complementary communication media : a comparison of electronic mail and face-to-face communication in a programming team / James L. McKenney, Michael H. Zack, and Victor S. Doherty
Face-to-face : making network organizations work / Nitin Nohria and Robert G. Eccles
Strategic alliances in commercial biotechnology / Stephen R. Barley, John Freeman, and Ralph C. Hybels
The make-or-cooperate decision in the context of an industry network / Bruce Kogut, Weijan Shan, and Gordon Walker
Competitive cooperation in biotechnology : learning through networks? / Walter W. Powell and Peter Brantley
The network organization in theory and practice / Wayne E. Baker
Fragments of a cognitive theory of technological change and organizational structure / Michael J. Piore.

Small-firm networks / Charles Perrow
On the limits of a firm-based theory to explain business networks : the Western bias of neoclassical economics / Nicole Woolsey Biggart and Gary G. Hamilton
The organization of business networks in the United States and Japan / Michael L. Gerlach and James R. Lincoln
Conclusion : making network research relevant to practice / Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Robert G. Eccles.

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