@article{DA, recid = {1551324}, author = {Historic New Harmony}, title = {New Harmony, Indiana Town Map: 5E}, publisher = {Historic New Harmony; University of Southern Indiana}, address = {1888}, number = {DA}, abstract = {Transparencies and Negatives Collection: Historic photographs. This photo shows the Harrison and Morton Campaign: 1888 Presidential Campaign. Benjamin Harrison and Levi Morton campaign parade in New Harmony on Church Street headed west. Harrison, a Republican, went on to defeat, the Democratic incumbent president Grover Cleveland at the polls on November 6th of that year. Harrison is most likely the man who is standing, Morton is probably the man who is sitting on the edge of the wagon. The building in the background, on the right side of the photo, was destroyed during the Chaffin�s corner fire in 1893. The band wagon was built by the New Harmony Band in 1871.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/1551324}, }