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Title Page
ICIMTH 2022 Scientific Programme Committee and Reviewers
A Method for the Classification of Digital Health Architectures as Medical Devices
a Digital Health Research Perspective
Requirement Analysis for an Intelligent Warning System to Alarm the Rapid Response Team Prior to Patient Deterioration
Citizens' Use of eHealth Services During COVID-19 in Relation to National Policy Goals
Superusers of Self-Paced Online Learning on OpenWHO
Artificial Intelligence Solutions to Detect Fraud in Healthcare Settings: A Scoping Review
Assessing Internal Consistency of HAIS-Q: A Survey Conducted in Greek Hospitals
The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review
Impact of Class I Software as Medical Devices (SaMDs) on Public Health
Usability Evaluation of a Modern Multilingual MeSH Browser
Point-of-Care Speech-Recognition Based mHealth Solution to Facilitate Physicians' Daily Work
Tracing the Paradigm Shift on Relationships Through eHealth Components in Health Care
Determining the Set of Items to Include in Breast Operative Reports, Using Clustering Algorithms on Retrospective Data Extracted from Clinical DataWarehouse
Overview of Existing Tools for Extracting Health and Fitness Data from mHealth Apps
Evaluating the Impact of Digital Game on Learning Medical Terminology of Paramedical Students: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
The ERN-LUNG Population Registry: Aims, Software-Implementation and First Results
The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health Services in Scotland, UK
Use of Electronic Health Information to Advance Health Research
The Implementation of a Participatory Technology Development Process in a Clinical Setting
ICT Tools for Registry Research: A Market Survey.

Data Cleaning Process for mHealth Log Data to Inform Health Worker Performance
Blockchain Enabled Patient-Centred Care for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 4 Principles for Socio-Techical and Clinical Alignment
Physician Acceptance of Machine Learning for Diagnostic Purposes: Caution, Bumpy Road Ahead!
Impact of Follow-Up Imaging Recommendation Specificity on Adherence
Time Bias Awareness in ECG-Based Multiple Source Data Matching
Beat to BEAT - Non-Invasive Investigation of Cardiac Function on the International Space Station
Towards an Evolutionary Open Pediatric Intensive Care Dataset in the ELISE Project
Data Protection in Healthcare Research: Medical Students' Knowledge and Behavior
Effectiveness of Serious Games for Language Processing Amongst Elderly Population with Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Effectiveness of Serious Games for Visuospatial Abilities in Elderly Population with Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Artificial Intelligence-Based Mobile Application for Sensing Children Emotion Through Drawings
Video Recordings of Interactions
The Podcast "Digitization of Medicine" as a Form of Science Communication
Visualization System for the Impact of Context Open Data in Clinical Settings
Caregivers Interactions with Clinical Autocomplete Tool: A Retrospective Study
Towards the Adoption of Novel Visualizations in Public Health
A Systematic Review on Improving Health Literacy in Rural Africa Using Mobile Serious Games
An Improved Infrastructure for Privacy-Preserving Analysis of Patient Data
External Validation and Transportability of Models to Predict Acute Kidney Injury in the Intensive Care Unit.

Substantive Interpretation of Machine Learning Solutions by the Example of Determining the Activity of the Tuberculosis Process in Individuals with Minimal Tuberculosis Residual Changes
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physician Electronic Health Record Use and Burden at a Canadian Mental Health Hospital
PeterPandemic: A Serious Game for Pandemic Management
The Utilization of Health Informatics Interventions in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review
Data Federation in Healthcare for Artificial Intelligence Solutions
An Evaluation Guide and Decision Support Tool for Journey Maps in Healthcare and Beyond
Contextualizing Online Laboratory (lab) Results and Mapping the Patient Journey
Information Provision and Quality. A Pilot Study on Shared Decision-Making in Multiple Sclerosis
COVID-BIOCHIP: A Web Tool to Analyse COVID-19 Antigen Microarrays
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications in a Nursing Field Study in Bavaria
Comparison of Data Classification Results for Leap Motion Recovery Gestures
The Effects of Health Behavior Changing Program for Systolic Blood Pressure Reduction Among Thai Buddhist Monks, Thailand
Analyzing SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Patterns by Semantic Trajectories
Federated Learning and Internet of Medical Things - Opportunities and Challenges
Student Experience and Its Relationship with Campus Mental Well-Being
Artificial Intelligence-Based Models for Predicting Vaccines Critical Tweets: An Experimental Study
Portable Health Clinic System for Maternal and Child Health Care in COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
Information Technologies for Cognitive Decline
Health-Related Content in Transformer-Based Deep Neural Network Language Models: Exploring Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Bias
Comparison of Non-AI and AI-Enabled M-Health Platforms for COVID-19 Self Screening in Indonesia.

Comparing Themes Extracted via Topic Modeling and Manual Content Analysis: Korean-Language Discussions of Dementia on Twitter
Collecting Data from Senior Citizens Using Serious Games
Designing a Dashboard for HIV-data Reporting Performance by Facilities: Case Study of Kenya
Implementation of a Geographic Information System-Based Smartphone Application for Health Vigilance in Older Adults by Village Health Volunteers (OSOMO)
Mental Health Teleconsultation Patterns on the Most Popular mHealth Platforms in Indonesia
Ethical Issues in the Utilization of Black Boxes for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Comparing Emotional Valence Scores of Twitter Posts from Manual Coding and Machine Learning Algorithms to Gain Insights to Refine Interventions for Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia
Data Literacy in Medical Education - An Expedition into the World of Medical Data
Designing a Social Robot Companion to Support Homecare: Usability Results
Using Logistic Regression to Predict Long COVID Conditions in Chronic Patients
Inference Time of a CamemBERT Deep Learning Model for Sentiment Analysis of COVID Vaccines on Twitter
Seismocardiography with Smartphones: No Leap from Bench to Bedside (Yet)
Integrating Human Patterns of Qualitative Coding with Machine Learning: A Pilot Study Involving Technology-Induced Error Incident Reports
Automatic Wound Type Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
Evaluating Usability of Telehealth Sehhaty Application Used in Saudi Arabia During Covid-19
Explaining Contextualized Word Embeddings in Biomedical Research - A Qualitative Investigation
The Sortal Concept in the Context of Biomedical Record Linkage
Diabetes and Obesity in Bulgaria. Study of a Large Number of Outpatient Records from 2018.

Integration of Biobanking Architecture with Genomics Data: Genomics Integrated Biobanking Ontology (GIBO)
Methods Used to Compare Narrative Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Scoping Review
An Approach to Differentiate Cell Painted ER and Cytoplasm Using Zernike Moment Descriptor and Multilayer Perceptron
Evaluating a Smart Healthcare System Design Through Participatory Approach
Assessing Disparities in COVID-19 Testing Using National COVID Cohort Collaborative
Implementation of a Mobile Application in Acute Stroke Care Documentation
Applying Participatory Design Mixed-Methods Approaches to Refine Twitter-Based Social Support Interventions for African Americans and Hispanic Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia
Using Machine Learning to Identify No-Show Telemedicine Encounters in a New York City Hospital
Adaptation of HL7 FHIR for the Exchange of Patients' Gene Expression Profiles
BeWell@Digital - Supporting Young People's Mental Health in Western Balkans with E-solutions
Hospital Readmission Prediction via Keyword Extraction and Sentiment Analysis on Clinical Notes
Effect of Hydroxychloroquine on Influenza Prevention
Do Health Technology Safety Issues Vary by Vendor?
Natural Language Processing Approaches for Retrieval of Clinically Relevant Genomic Information in Cancer
Type and Number of Errors of the Iranian Electronic Health Record (SEPAS) in Hospitals Affiliated with Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Need of Equity in Virtual Mental Health in Canada in the Times of COVID-19
Treatment Prediction in the ICU Setting Using a Partitioned, Sequential Deep Time Series Analysis
Classification of Challenges and Threats in Healthcare Cybersecurity: A Systematic Review
Clinical Trials on Alternative Medicines for COVID-19
Open Source Web Application: An Application on Health Tourism in Greece.

Large-Scale EHR Suites and Path-Dependence.

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