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Front Cover
6G Enabling Technologies New Dimensions to Wireless Communication
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Evolution of Mobile Communication
1.1.1 1G - First Generation of Mobile Communication (Analogue Systems)
1.1.2 2G - Second Generation (Digital Systems)
1.1.3 3G - Third Generation
1.1.4 4G - Fourth Generation
1.1.5 5G - Fifth Generation
1.2 6G KPIs and Use Cases
1.3 6G Networks: Considerations and Requirements
1.3.1 Network Considerations
1.3.2 Network Requirements
1.4 6G System Architecture
1.5 6G Standardization
1.6 Challenges in 6G
1.7 Book Overview
1.8 Conclusions
2 6G Future Vision: Requirements, Design Issues and Applications
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Related Work
2.3 Essential Requirements of 6G Networks
2.4 Applications, Enabling Technologies, and 6G Network Design Issues
2.5 Design Issues in 6G
2.5.1 Frequency Band
2.5.2 Heavy Computation
2.5.3 Design of Transmitter and Antenna
2.5.4 Delay and Reliability
2.5.5 Underwater Communication
2.5.6 Capacity
2.5.7 Density and Cost
2.5.8 Coverage
2.5.9 Energy
2.5.10 Heterogeneity
2.5.11 CIA TRIAD
2.6 Waves of Technological Developments
2.7 Proposal for 6G Enhancements
2.8 Conclusions
3 5G Innovation - Using New Technical Capabilities to Explore New Use-Cases
3.1 5G - A Significant Market to Reap
3.2 5G Use-Cases Mature Towards 6G
3.3 The Major Performance Differences between 4G and 5G
3.4 Innovation Hubs: Key to the Success of 5G
3.5 3GPP Rel 16 and Rel 17, The First True 5G Releases
3.6 Service-Based Architecture: An Enabler for New Use-Cases
3.7 Network Slicing: Efficiently offer QoS and Customization
3.8 Conclusions
4 From 5G Technology to 6G Green Deals.

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Applications to Reduce CO2 in Buildings, Urban Districts, and Cities
4.3 Further Applications Supported by 6G
4.4 Conclusions
5 Enhanced Massive Machine Type Communications for 6G Era
5.1 Introduction
5.2 5G Systems
5.2.1 Network Slicing
5.2.2 Massive Machine-type Communications
5.3 Challenges for Massive Machine Type Communications in 5G Systems
5.4 6G Enablers and Trends for Enhanced Massive Machine
5.5 6G Technologies for Enhanced Massive Machine
5.5.1 Efficient Massive Connectivity
5.5.2 Multi-access Edge Computing as an Enabler
5.5.3 Security for emMTC
5.5.4 Vertical-specific Solutions
5.5.5 Powered by AI and Machine Learning
5.5.6 Energy Efficiency
5.6 Business Impact of the 6G Technologies for emMTC
5.7 Conclusions
6 6G Multinetwork Convergence
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Multinetwork Convergence
6.2.1 6G Network Convergence Architecture
6.3 Next Generation WiFi - WiFi 7
6.3.1 Large Bandwidth Channels
6.3.2 Flexible Bandwidth Usage Using Enhanced OFDMA
6.3.3 Enhanced MIMO and MU-MIMO Operations
6.3.4 Multi-link Operations
6.3.5 Multi-AP Coordination
6.4 Conclusions
7 6G QoE for Video and TV Applications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Current Status of the Wireless Network Infrastructure
7.2.1 2G and 3G inaugurate the Multimedia Services over Cellular Radio Network
7.2.2 4G Innovates the LTE-Broadcasting for Multicast Services
7.2.3 5G Networks and Media Streaming with Higher QoS
7.3 6G Quantum Machine Learning for QoE
7.3.1 Quantum Computing (QC)
7.3.2 Machine Learning (ML)
7.3.3 6G Quantum Machine Learning for Multimedia QoE
7.4 Conclusions
8 Honey, I Flung the RAN to Space!
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Classes of Communication Satellites
8.3 System Architecture.

8.3.1 Satellites Directly used for Communication between UE and RAN/Core on 3GPP Defined Interface
8.3.2 Satellites Link as Backhaul to the Core Network for Control and User Plane Traffic
8.4 Network Design and Planning: Key Constraints, Challenges and Solutions
8.4.1 Cell Size and Type, Tracking Area, and Coverage
8.4.2 Interference
8.4.3 Latency
8.4.4 Spectrum Availability
8.5 Examples of 5G Use Cases
8.5.1 URLLC and EMBB: An Example
8.5.2 m-MTC: An Example
8.5.3 Mission-Critical Services/Disaster Management
8.6 Regulatory Constraints
8.6.1 Generic Issues
8.7 Conclusions
9 Virtualized, Open and Intelligent: The Evolution of the Radio Access Network
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Evolution of RAN
9.2.1 Overview of RAN Architectures GSM/GPRS (RAN1/RAN2) GERAN UTRAN E-UTRAN D-RAN
9.2.2 Cloud-Radio Access Networks Fully, Partially and hybrid centralized C-RAN Heterogeneous C-RAN
9.2.3 FOG Radio Access Networks
9.2.4 Software Defined Radio Access Network
9.2.5 Virtualized Radio Access Networks Virtualized C-RAN Virtual RAN
9.3 xRAN and O-RAN Architectures
9.3.1 The xRAN Base Station Architecture Functional separation of the Fronthaul interface
9.3.2 The O-RAN Architecture
9.4 Open RAN Opportunities and Challenges
9.4.1 Use Case Opportunities
9.4.2 Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
9.4.3 Implementation Challenges
9.5 Conclusions
10 Aerial Infrastructure Sharing in 6G
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Infrastructure Sharing in Mobile Communication
10.3 Benefits and Issues with Infrastructure Sharing
10.4 Constraints in Sharing
10.4.1 Technical Constraints in Passive Sharing
10.4.2 Technical Constraints in Active Sharing.

10.4.3 Antennas Sharing
10.4.4 NodeB Sharing
10.4.5 RNC Sharing
10.4.6 Sharing Core Network
10.4.7 Enablers for Infrastructure Sharing, Especially in 5G and Beyond
10.5 Non-terrestrial Infrastructure Sharing with Terrestrial Infrastructure
10.5.1 Non-terrestrial Network Architecture
10.5.2 Non-terrestrial Network Challenges
10.6 Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks Deployment Scenario
10.7 Satellite Backhaul
10.8 Cooperation Among Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks
10.9 Low Altitude Platform (LAP) and Sharing
10.10 Radio Access Node On-board UAV
10.11 Radio Access Through UAV
10.11.1 The architecture of Aerial Infrastructure Sharing
10.12 Conclusions
11 Radio Frequency Spectrum for 5G and Beyond Applications - ITU's Perspective
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The Function of the Radiocommunication Sector of ITU
11.3 Radio Spectrum Identified for IMT Services
11.4 Radio Spectrum for Beyond 5G
11.5 Conclusions
12 Deployment of Terahertz Spectrum Band For 6G
12.1 Introduction
12.2 6G - Emerging Trends
12.2.1 Connected Machines
12.2.2 Use of Artificial Intelligence
12.2.3 Increased Contribution Towards Achieving Social Goals
12.3 6G Requirements
12.4 6G Technologies and Use of THz Band
12.4.1 Emerging 6G Technologies
12.4.2 Allocation by FCC
12.4.3 Advantages for THz band Technologies
12.5 Challenges: Use of THz for 6G
12.5.1 Severe Path Loss and Atmospheric Absorption
12.5.2 RF Front-end, Photonics and Data Conversion
12.6 6G Timelines
12.7 Conclusions
13 Economic Challenges for 6G Deployments
13.1 Introduction
13.2 5G Economical Modelling
13.3 6G Network Architectures
13.4 6G Economical Modelling Challenges
13.5 Conclusions
14 6G and Green Business Model Innovation
14.1 Introduction.

14.2 Measuring Green Business Models
14.2.1 Relating Measurement of Green Parameters to Business Model Dimensions and Innovation
14.3 Challenges Measuring Green on Technology Dimension
14.3.1 Product and Service Technology - Material and Resources
14.3.2 Volatile Green Energy Production and Demand
14.3.3 Tracking And Measuring Green on Product-, Service-, Production- and Process Technology
14.3.4 Single and Multi Green Business Modelling
14.3.5 Measuring Incremental, Radical and Disruptive Green Business Models
14.4 Towards Measurement of Green Business Models
14.5 Discussion
14.6 Conclusions
15 An Introduction to Privacy Preservation in 6G
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Privacy Laws and Global Awareness
15.3 Privacy Preservation Techniques: A Preview
15.3.1 Anonymized Data Using Homomorphic Encryption
15.3.2 Anonymization using Differential Privacy
15.3.3 Privacy Preservation Using Pseudonymization Methods
15.3.4 Combination of Multiple Methods of Anonymization
15.4 Challenges in Privacy Preservation
15.5 Enhanced Challenges with 6G
15.6 Conclusions
About the Editors
Back Cover.

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