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Editor biography
Richard Leach
List of contributors
Chapter 1 Terms and definitions
1.1 Introduction
1.2 General metrology terms and definitions
1.3 Surface terms and definitions
Chapter 2 Coherence scanning interferometry
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Applications
2.2.1 Surface finish characterisation
2.2.2 Measurement of highly sloped surfaces
2.2.3 Additive manufactured surfaces
2.2.4 Film measurement
2.2.5 Functional imaging
2.3 Technical advances
2.3.1 Surface reconstruction methods
2.3.2 Enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio
2.3.3 Enhancement of measurement resolution and bandwidth
2.3.4 Pupil-plane imaging in CSI
2.3.5 Light sources
2.3.6 System design
2.4 Theoretical modelling of CSI
2.4.1 One-dimensional signal modelling
2.4.2 Two-dimensional imaging model and transfer function
2.4.3 Three-dimensional imaging model and transfer function
2.4.4 Image formation beyond the linear regime
2.5 Calibration and error correction
2.5.1 Noise
2.5.2 Linearity and amplification
2.5.3 Lateral distortion
2.5.4 Optical aberrations
2.5.5 Multiple materials
2.5.6 Steeply sloped surfaces
2.5.7 Instrument transfer function and resolution
Chapter 3 Focus variation
3.1 Introduction to focus variation
3.1.1 Basic principles of focus variation
3.1.2 Algorithms for focus variation
3.2 Advances in focus variation
3.2.1 Measurement of smooth surfaces
3.2.2 Measurement of vertical walls and holes using vertical focus probing
3.2.3 In-process surface measurements
3.3 Case studies
3.3.1 Case study for measurement of smooth surfaces
3.3.2 Case study for vertical focus probing
3.3.3 Case study for in-process surface measurement
3.4 Conclusions and outlook

Chapter 4 Imaging confocal microscopy
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Confocal microscopy in the ISO 25178 framework
4.2.1 Laser scan, disc scan and microdisplay scan confocal microscopes
4.2.2 Calibration, adjustment, performance specifications and influence factors for imaging confocal microscopes
4.3 Structured illumination microscopy
4.4 Simultaneous confocal and focus variation in a single acquisition scan
4.5 Active illumination focus variation: the 'poor person's confocal microscopy'
Chapter 5 Non-scanning techniques
5.1 Introduction to non-scanning techniques
5.1.1 Scanning versus non-scanning techniques
5.1.2 Definition of a non-scanning technique
5.2 Wavelength scanning interferometry
5.2.1 Advances in wavelength scanning interferometry
5.3 Dispersed reference interferometry
5.3.1 Advances in dispersive reference interferometry
5.4 Chromatic confocal microscopy
5.4.1 Advances in chromatic confocal microscopy
5.5 Micro-scale fringe projection
5.5.1 Advances in micro-scale FP
Chapter 6 Scattering approaches
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Basic principles
6.3 Advanced systems
6.3.1 Advanced systems for mechanical engineering and manufacturing
6.3.2 Advanced systems for semiconductor manufacturing
6.4 Advanced scattering algorithms
6.5 Accelerated computational technologies
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7 In-process surface topography measurements
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Definitions
7.2 Environmental issues
7.2.1 Temperature, pressure and humidity variation
7.2.2 Vibration
7.2.3 Contamination
7.3 Development challenges
7.3.1 Measurement method
7.3.2 Measurement speed
7.3.3 System integration and control
7.3.4 Traceability
7.3.5 Intelligence
7.4 Recent advances and developments.

7.4.1 Recent advances in instrument development
7.4.2 Methodology to develop fast and accurate in-process measuring instruments
7.5 Summary and future outlook

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