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Introduction : Genealogy of the Concept of the Medium and Literary Studies / Richard Muller
The 'Medium' : Concept and History / Tomas Chudy
Reflections of Mediality in Prague School Thinking / Richard Muller and Pavel Sidak
The Media Philosophy of Walter Benjamin / Martin Ritter
'Let the Ghosts Come Back" : Modern Spectrology and its Media / Josef Vojvodik
Gesture and its (Proto-)Medial Thresholds / Richard Muller
Openness : The Information (Cybernetics) Moment in Literary Theory and Experimental Poetry of the 1950-1960s / Richard Müller
Technics and Media / Tomas Chudy
Communication, Solution and Mediality : The Paradoxical Character of Williams's Thinking on the Medium / Josef Sebek
Social Systems Theory and the Medium / Tomas Chudy
Poetics - Semiosphere - Medium : Lotman's Cultural Semiotics at the Crossroads / Richard Muller
The Theory of Intermediality : Apparentness of Relations, Elusiveness of the Medium / Stanislava Fedrova and Alice Jedlickova
Polylogue : Steps to a Media Theory of Literature / Richard Muller, Alice Jedlickova, Stanislava Fedrova, Josef Sebek and Tomas Chudy.

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