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Chapter 1. Audience Conferral
Speaking For and Speaking About Distinguished from Formal Political Representation
The Phenomenon of Informal Political Representation
The Example of Booker T. Washington
Alternative Accounts of Informal Representative Emergence
The Advantages of the Audience Conferral Account
Chapter 2. Conscription and the Power to Influence
IPR Conscription
Audience Motivations and Audience Reasons
The Duties of Conferring Audiences
The Power to Influence
Informal Political Representatives' Pro Tanto Duties
Due Care and Loss Prevention
Differences of Degree and Kind in IPR's Pro Tanto Duties
Grounds for Reasonable Rejection
Chapter 3. Group Authorization
Principals and Agents
Informal Authorization and Informal Ratification
Effects of Group Authorization: Discretionary and Normative Powers
IPR Capture: Group Conferral Without Group Authorization
Chapter 4. The Duties of Informal Political Representatives
Skeptical Challenges to Informal Political Representation
Noncontribution and Eradication
Responses to Skeptical Challenges
Democracy Within Duties
Justice Without Duties
Further Roles for Democracy Within, Justice Without, and Informal Political
Hard Cases
Chaper 5. The Legitimate Complaints of the Represented
Overview of Complaint Types
Content Complaints
Procedural Complaints
Powers Complaints
Susceptibility and Responsiveness to Complaints
Chapter 6. Descriptive and Nondescriptive Informal Political Representation
Arguments for the Descriptive Preference Principle
Nondescriptive Informal Political Representatives
Who May Be a Nondescriptive IPR?
Chapter 7. Expertise and Representative Deference
Walzer on Helpfulness and General Consciousness
Responding to Walzer
Expertise and the Limits of Deference
Concerns about Paternalism

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