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Table of Contents
Personal collection and the museum form : racial capitalism, settler colonialism, and the legacies of the Homestead Strike of 1892
Scientific management and conceptual art : the invention of the artist manager
Whiteness as property and found object art : collecting and canonizing Marcel Duchamp
Whiteness and the new : neoliberalism and the building of the Archive for New Poetry
Colonially bound, digitally free : on the distance between object and image
Neoliberal aesthetics : the legacies of the White modernism
On inoperation and glory.
Scientific management and conceptual art : the invention of the artist manager
Whiteness as property and found object art : collecting and canonizing Marcel Duchamp
Whiteness and the new : neoliberalism and the building of the Archive for New Poetry
Colonially bound, digitally free : on the distance between object and image
Neoliberal aesthetics : the legacies of the White modernism
On inoperation and glory.