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Linked e-resources


1:The baby picnic
2: Beetle eyes
3: The bosom serpent
4: Buried alive
5: The cautious druggist
6: Child pie
7: The chimney boy
8: Chloroformed!
9: Covert Catholics
10: Cycling afflictions
11: Death dice
12: Devil take me!
13: Do you know her?
14: Downie's slaughter
15: Dressing the workhouse corpse
16: Drugged on a train
17: The eagle and the baby
18: Egg ring
19: Familiar enemies
20: Fish ring
21: The galvanic convict
22: The ghost in search of help
23: Ghost wager
24: Ghostly donation
25: Hands in the muff
26: Harem prisoner
27: Hero survives
28: Hollow tree death
29: Human sausages
30: I lost the ring here
31: I'm Jack the Ripper!
32: Immured Lovers
33: The injured garotter
34: Jolting the coffin
35: The judge and the foreman
36: The lady and the ring
37: The lawyer and the poisoned cakes
38: The long pack
39: Message in a hat
40: A million postage stamps - 41: The mistletoe bride
42: A modern Jonah!
43: Nail in the coffin
44: The nail in the skull
45: The omnibus driver's holiday
46: One little piggy
47: Paying for his burial
48: The pickpocket's ring
49: Poison duel
50: Prayers and the thief
51: The red hand!
52: The returned watch
53: Selling sovereigns
54: Sewer montsters
55: She's my daughter?
56: Shooting at a ghost
57: The shoplifter's dilemma
58: The skeletons that eloped
59: The Spanish prisoner
60: The suicide club
61: Swallowed up
62: The tell-tale eye
63: Tick tock
64: There's gold in those sewers
65: Tunnel kissing
66: The vanishing lady
67: Watch the clock
68: Wild thing
69: The wrong bed
70: The wrong trousers

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