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Part I: (In)visibilizing empire: ambivalent nationalism and the origins of global justice
Food sovereignty : the origins of an idea
Ambivalent nationalism : food sovereignty in Mexico's age of NAFTA
The specter of U.S. decline : ambivalent Americanism and the Jobs with Justice coalition in the 1980s
Part II: Racism and global justice in a multicultural age
Against Coca-Colonization : neoliberal multiculturalism and indigenous insurgency in Southern Mexico
Obscuring empire : color-blind anticorporatism and the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle
Invisibilizing immigration : color-blind anticorporatism and the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle
Part III: Two protests: global justice in the twenty-first century
"Localizing" global justice : class, nation, and the Jobs with Justice coalition after Seattle
The WTO is back : UNORCA, the Vía Campesina, and the struggle over agriculture in Cancún
The radical road to Cancún : anarchism and autonomy for the popular indigenous council of Oaxaca-Ricardo Flores Magón

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