

The sea cow / Georg Wilhelm Steller
The Bering Straits / James Cook
Observations on Unalashka / Carl Heinrich Merck
Prince William Sound / George Vancouver
Arrival at the Arctic Coast / Alexander Mackenzie
St. Lawrence Island / Otto Von Kotzebue
The Bering Straits / Adelbert Von Chamisso
The Pribilof Islands / Frederick Litke
Notes on the Copper River / Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangell
Notes on the islands of the Unalashka District / Ivan Venianimov
Nulato : a settlement on the Yukon / L.A. Zagoskin
Letter to Sir John Richardson / Alexander Hunter Murray
The rapids of the Yukon / William Henry Dall
The Pribilof Islands / Elizabeth Beaman
The Alexander Archipelago / John Muir
On crossing the Alaska Range / Henry T. Allen
The Grand Canon of the Yukon / Frederick Schwatka.

The Gustavus Peninsula / John Burroughs
The dominant primordial beast / Jack London
Gold prospectors of the Susitna Valley / Robert Dunn
Taku Inlet / Ella Higginson
On the sheep ranges / Charles Sheldon
The barren grounds grizzly bear / Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Koyukon riddles / Julius Jetté
The ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley) / Hudson Stuck
The Kuskokwim River / May Wynne Lamb
Eskimo poems / Knud Rasmussen
The north fork of the Koyukuk / Robert Marshall
The wolves of Mount McKinley / Adolph Murie
Other days / John Haines
The old crow / Margaret Murie
Glacier Bay journal / Dave Bohn
Sheenjek / Kenneth Brower
One man's wilderness / Richard Proenneke
The Alaskan journal / Thomas Merton.

On building a raft / David J. Cooper
Here I am yet! / Johnny Taku Jack
Lake dwarves and giant rat / Anna Nelson Harry
An expedition to the Pole / Annie Dillard
The subsistence cycle / Richard Nelson
Gather at the river / Edward Abbey
Yukon-Charley : the shape of the wilderness / Barry Lopez
Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska : a suite / John Morgan
This tangled brilliance / David Rains Wallace
Haida hunters and legend of the two fin killer whale / George Hamilton
Two great polar bear hunters / Aloysius Pikonganna
The Cormorant hunters / Frank Ellana
Ragged ear of Sable Pass / John A. Murray.

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