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Table of Contents
Intro; Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Dedication; Introduction; Author's Note; PART I. ENSNARED: HOW WE GOT HERE; 1. Jail Is the Only Safe Place; 2. The Largest Psych Ward in America; 3. The Asylum Fallacy; PART II. LOCKED UP: WHAT HAPPENS INSIDE; 4. Jail as Hospital; 5. Destined to Fail; 6. Sanctioned Torture; 7. Better Off Dead; 8. Guilty by Reason of Insanity; PART III. BREAKING FREE: TOWARD A BETTER WAY; 9. Inside Out; 10. The Cycle; 11. Shooting the Victim; 12. The Good-Cop Solution; 13. Disorder in the Court; Conclusion; Epilogue; Acknowledgments; About the Author; Praise for Insane; Notes; Index.