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Title Page
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Contents Page
List of Figures
Figure 1-1. Topography of Third Palestine (Map by Amy Nicole Woods, GISP and Walter Ward)
Figure 2-1. Rainfall in Third Palestine (Map by Walter Ward)
Figure 2-2. Agriculture in Third Palestine (Map by Walter Ward)
Figure 4-1. Gaza amphora distribution (Map by Walter Ward)
Figure 4-2. Palestinian Bag Jar distribution (Map by Walter Ward)
Figure 4-3. Egyptian amphora distribution (Map by Walter Ward)
Figure 4-4. Aila amphora distribution (Map by Walter Ward)

Figure 4-5. The Peutinger Table depicting Third Palestine (Based on Miller 1916: Segmentum IX)
Figure 4-6. Simplified drawings of amphorae (Drawing by Walter Ward)
Figure 5-1. The Red Sea in late antiquity (Map by Walter Ward)
Figure 6-1. Pilgrimage Routes in Third Palestine (Map by Walter Ward)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Geography, settlements, and administration of Third Palestine
Interpreting the ancient economy
The traditional debate: 'primitive' or 'modern'
The rise of neoliberal interpretations of the ancient economy
Market or bazaar economy?

Chapter 2: 'Between the desert and the sown': Agriculture and pastoralism in Third Palestine
Agriculture (Figure 2-2)
The pastoralists of Third Palestine
Chapter 3: Urban economy, manufacturing, and resources
The urban economy
Industry: Ceramic production
Industry: Copper mining and smelting
Chapter 4: Regional exchange
Ceramic analysis of trade routes
Gaza amphora (LR4)
Palestinian Bag Jar (LR 5)
Egyptian amphorae
Aila amphora
Maritime animal products in Third Palestine
The date trade
One caravan's records

Appendix 1: Amphorae descriptions
Gaza amphorae (LR 4)
Bag jars (LR 5)
Egyptian amphorae (LR 7)
Aila amphorae
Chapter 5: International exchange with the Red Sea and Mecca
Red Sea trade
Brief historical outline of Red Sea trade
Meccan trade
Nature of trade: Origins and caravans
Conclusion: The economic implications of international trade on Third Palestine
Chapter 6: Monasticism, pilgrimage, and the economy
Monasticism in Third Palestine
Transportation and infrastructure
Supplying the Sinai monasteries

Chapter 7: Conclusion
A primitive or modern economy in Third Palestine... or something else?
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources

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