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‎List of Contributors
‎Bibliography of the Works of Michael E. Stone (Hillel)
‎Appreciations/Short Papers
‎Chapter 1. With Gratitude and Affection (Attridge)
‎Chapter 2. An Introduction on a Festive Occasion (Nickelsburg)
‎Chapter 3. From Text to Religious Experience and Practice: In Honor of Michael E. Stone (Chazon)
‎Chapter 4. MES (Satran)
‎Chapter 5. Tribute to Michael E. Stone (Eshel)
‎Chapter 6. From Parchment to Stone: Synopsis of Michael E. Stone's Contributions to Armenian Studies (Terian)
‎Chapter 7. The Story of Abraham and Melchizedek in the Palaea Historica (Adler)
‎Chapter 8. The Trilingual titulus crucis Tradition in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 20 (Anlezark)
‎Chapter 9. Armenian before Grabar: The Emergence of the Historically Attested Language in the Shadow of the Contact with Non-Indo-European Languages (Aslanov)
‎Chapter 10. Slavonic Redactions of the Apocryphal Homily of John Chrysostom on How Archangel Michael Defeated Satanail: Some Considerations (Badalanova Geller)
‎Chapter 11. Revisiting Seth in the Legend of the Wood of the Cross: Interdisciplinary Perspectives between Text and Image (Baert)
‎Chapter 12. Greek Manuscripts of the Testament of Solomon in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Bailey)
‎Chapter 13. Apocryphon of Ezekiel Fragment 3: Meaning and Reception (Bauckham)
‎Chapter 14. The Patriarch and His Manifold Descendants: Jacob as Visionary between Jews and Christians in the Apocryphal Ladder of Jacob (Böttrich)
‎Chapter 15. The Small/Young Daniel Re-Edited (Brock)
‎Chapter 16. Judges of the Moon and Stars: More Material Shared between Zostrianos (NHC VIII,1) and The Untitled Work in the Bruce Codex (Burns).

‎Chapter 17. Notes sur le Martyre de Barthélemy arménien inédit conservé dans le ms. 7853 du Matenadaran (Calzolari)
‎Chapter 18. The Ever-new Tongue: The Short Recension (Carey)
‎Chapter 19. Prolegomena to a New Edition of the Armenian Version of Paraleipomena Jeremiou (Cowe)
‎Chapter 20. The Penitence of Solomon (De Penitentia Salomonis) (DiTommaso)
‎Chapter 21. The Christian Conversion of Pagan Figures in Late Antique Oracles (Dobroruka)
‎Chapter 22. Calendar Dates in the Book of Jubilees (Halpern Amaru)
‎Chapter 23. The Architextualization of the Qumran Community (Hamidović)
‎Chapter 24. "Omnis piger propheta est": An Apocryphal Medieval Proverb (Hawk)
‎Chapter 25. New Sources for the Armenian Commentary on Genesis Attributed to Ephrem (Heal and Manis)
‎Chapter 26. The "Rest of the Words of Baruch" in the Ethiopic Tradition: Introduction, Collation, and Translation of Paralipomena Jeremiae 1-2 (Heide)
‎Chapter 27. Seeing the End: The Vocabulary of the End Time in Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel 13 (Henze)
‎Chapter 28. The Hazy Edges of the Biblical Canon: A Case Study of the Wisdom of Solomon in Arabic (Hjälm)
‎Chapter 29. Oi Alloi or Lost Anonymous Literary Editions of Sirach Preserved in the Georgian and Armenian Translations (Kharanauli and Chantladze)
‎Chapter 30. Moses and Ethiopia: Old Scripturesque Traditions behind Josephus, Ant. 2.238-253 (Kraft)
‎Chapter 31. "May You Be Written and Sealed …": On the Celestial Anointment and the "Seal" of Yom Kippur (Kulik)
‎Chapter 32. Look to the East: New and Forgotten Sources of 4Ezra (Lied and Monger)
‎Chapter 33. The Adam Traditions and the Destruction of Ymir in the Eddas (Macaskill)
‎Chapter 34. Mundus origo: A New Edition of Sibylla maga (5th-9th Century) (Magliano-Tromp).

‎Chapter 35. Apocalypsis Johannis apocrypha quarta (4 Ap. Apoc. John) in the Slavonic Tradition (Miltenova)
‎Chapter 36. Bar Sarōšway on Melchizedek: Reception of Extra-Biblical Material in the East-Syrian Tradition of Scriptural Exegesis (Minov)
‎Chapter 37. The Testament of Adam in Arabic Dress: Two Coptic-Arabic Witnesses of the Narrative Type 'b' (Monferrer-Sala)
‎Chapter 38. Medieval Biblical Hermeneutics and the Reception of the Penance of Adam and Eve in Western European Vernaculars (Murdoch)
‎Chapter 39. Unveiling the Face: The Heavenly Counterpart Traditions in Joseph and Aseneth (Orlov)
‎Chapter 40. Narratio Ioseph: A Rarely Acknowledged Coptic Joseph Apocryphon (Klostergaard Petersen)
‎Chapter 41. Apocalyptic Texts, Transmission of Topoi, and Their Multi-Lingual Background: The Prophecies of Agat'on and Agat'angel on the End of the World (Pogossian and La Porta)
‎Chapter 42. The Book of Jubilees in the Maṣḥafa Milād and the Maṣḥafa Bərhān (van Ruiten)
‎Chapter 43. From Parthia to Robin Hood: The Epic of the Blind Man's Son (Russell)
‎Chapter 44. L'introduction du Cantique des Cantiques dans la Bible historiale: de l'écriture de l'histoire à la pensée littéraire dans la traduction biblique (Salvador et Guillemet-Bruno)
‎Chapter 45. An Encrypted Adamic Christology in the Qurʼān?: New Insights on Q 15:29, 21:91, 38:72, and 66:12 (Segovia)
‎Chapter 46. Human and Divine Justice in the Testament of Abraham (Warren)
‎Chapter 47. De plasmatione Adam (Wright)
‎Index of Modern Authors
‎List of Mediaeval Manuscripts
‎Index of Ancient and Mediaeval Sources.

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