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List of figures and tables
Table 0.1. The conceptual framework for this book: The rise and development of biogeohistory through a quarter of a millennium. Each surge in insight built upon its antecedents.
Table 0.2. General statements about 'informed cultural' beliefs through the centuries about the 'bio-' side of biogeohistory.
Table 2.1. A sweeping overview of natural history developing in Australia-geology, palaeontology, botany, zoology.
Table 2.2. Estimated dates for Beaumaris outcrop.
Table 2.3. Outcrop stages ordered by age.
Table 6.1. Minimalist equations involving carbon dioxide in biogeohistory.
Table 10.1. Natural history and natural philosophy: Some binaries and other terms.
Figure 0.1. The thinker on the rock. After the late Ron Tandberg and The Age (Melbourne).
Figure 0.2. A dreamed-up cross-section of fossiliferous strata exposed in a mountainous terrain.
Figure 0.3. The Australo-Antarctic Gulf through the Cenozoic Era.
Figure 0.4. South Australia's Eocene and Miocene landscapes.
Figure 0.5. Climatic states on planet Earth for the Cenozoic Era and some forecasting.
Figure 1.1. Myponga Creek, looking upstream (east) from Myponga Beach, watercolour by Glenice Stacey.
Figure 1.2. At Sellick Hill and Myponga Beach on the western flank of the Willunga Range, south of Adelaide, two geological cross-sections A-A and D-D show the strata dipping to the east.
Figure 1.3. Arduino's 1758 section, Alpine foothills.
Figure 1.4. Dupain-Triel 1791, Primary Secondary Tertiary.
Figure 1.5. Lyell's ideal section with four classes of rocks.
Figure 1.6. Lindsay's geological cross-section under Adelaide.
Figure 2.1. Nautiloids from the shallow seas of Cenozoic southern Australia.
Figure 2.2. Evolutionary succession in nautiloids.

Figure 2.3. Limestone cliffs in the Great Australian Bight, painted by William Westall in 1802 (below) and by Alana Preece in 2010 (above).
Figure 2.4. Charles Sturt's plate of Fossils of the Tertiary Formation, the limestone cliffs of the lower River Murray, as prepared and identified by James Sowerby in London.
Figure 2.5. Paris district, succession of fossil vertebrates.
Figure 2.6. Prévost's stratigraphic diagram for the Paris Basin.
Figure 2.7. Deshayes's molluscan assemblages for Eocene, Miocene, Pliocene.
Figure 2.8. Deshayes and Lyell assemblage, Tertiary succession.
Figure 2.9. Phillips and Lyell: The three fossil-based eras.
Figure 2.10. McCoy, Tenison-Woods, Tate, Howchin: Australian Tertiaries.
Figure 2.11. Limestone cave at Mosquito Plains (Naracoorte).
Figure 2.12. Tenison-Woods's assemblage of fossils.
Figure 2.13. A thicket of the bryozoan Celleporaria gambierensis from the Middle Miocene shallow sea in the Murravian Gulf (Chapter 9).
Figure 3.1. French and British explorers in the south seas.
Figure 3.2. Trigonia and Neotrigonia: Lamarck's excitement.
Figure 3.3. Trigonia, Eotrigonia and Neotrigonia: Darragh's array in time.
Figure 3.4. Owen's big Pleistocene marsupials.
Figure 3.5. Darwin's argument from southern biogeography.
Figure 3.6. Discovering evolution: Eight books from the Anglosphere.
Figure 3.7. Hitchcock's family trees erupted from the rocks. This originally hand-coloured 'paleontological chart' was first published in 1840.
Figure 3.8. Homology, from Belon 1555 to Gogonasus Man 2011.
Figure 3.9. The central position of Richard Owen.
Figure 3.10. The evolution of the horse.
Figure 3.11. The central position of Charles Darwin.
Figure 3.12. The bell curve in Simpson's modes of evolution.

Figure 4.1a. Fossil foraminifer from the Otway coast in western Victoria.
Figure 4.1b. The trochospiral shell of many foraminifera, in three standard views.
Figure 4.2. Two species of Globanomalina in the Late Palaeocene.
Figure 4.3. Assemblages of species in the Genus Globanomalina (scale division 0.1 mm).
Figure 4.4. Species of Globanomalina interpreted as cladogenesis, or family tree.
Figure 4.5. Morozovella angulata-aequa interpreted as anagenesis.
Figure 4.6. Foraminifera models (above) and Pharaoh's beans (below).
Figure 4.7. Huxley's comparison of Cretaceous chalk and Atlantic ooze.
Figure 4.8. Modern planktonic foraminifer, and John Murray's biogeographic identifications.
Figure 4.9. Martin Glaessner's biostratigraphy, Cretaceous to Palaeogene, Caucasus.
Figure 4.10. Glaessner's suggested phylogeny in Globotruncana.
Figure 4.11. Howchin's plate of foraminifera from Muddy Creek.
Figure 4.12. Some foraminiferologists in southern Australia.
Figure 4.13. Hantkenina, Parr's key to unlocking the recalcitrantly provincial Tertiary.
Figure 4.14. Reconstructing the Orbulina lineage in two cultures: Two ways of presenting a Miocene lineage of planktonic foraminifera.
Figure 4.15. Trans-Tasman comparison of bioevents.
Figure 4.16. Multiple attacks on Miocene chronology.
Figure 4.17. The four Cenozoic sequences with boundary unconformities.
Figure 4.18. The fourfold Cenozoic sequences in global context.
Figure 5.1. Two views of Inoceramus, a pseudo-clam from the Late Cretaceous limestones in western Australia.
Figure 5.2. First geological section along the Ninetyeast Ridge.
Figure 5.3. Left, modern physiographic illustration of India's migration. Right, Gansser's traces of India's flight northwards.
Figure 5.4. Locality map for the Indian Ocean, drawn in 1976.

Figure 5.5. Chronological portrait of India-Australia reactions.
Figure 5.6. Geographic portrait of India-Australia reactions.
Figure 5.7. Palaeogeography in Permian times, as of a century ago: Schuchert's Permian land bridges.
Figure 5.8. Marine invasion of fracturing eastern Gondwanaland.
Figure 5.9. The southern margin of Australia, formerly the north flank of the Australo-Antarctic Gulf.
Figure 5.10. Seafloor spreading between Antarctica, Australia and Zealandia in time and place.
Figure 5.11. The Australo-Antarctic Gulf from birth to death.
Figure 5.12. Stretching and tension: Veevers's southern Australia as pull-apart continental margin.
Figure 5.13. Madura-Ceduna seismic sequences in cross-section.
Figure 5.14. Holford's compression and squeezing in central southern Australia.
Figure 5.15. Squeezing: Preiss's section across the Mt Lofty Ranges.
Figure 5.16. Big neritic carbonates on continental margins, same ages, different palaeolatitudes.
Figure 5.17. 1970s evidence for the Khirthar Transgression.
Figure 5.18. Matthew's geography of evolution: Cenozoic arguments against mobile continents.
Figure 5.19. Colbert's evolutionary geography: Permo-Triassic arguments for mobile continents.
Figure 5.20. 'Dispersal versus vicariance'-do organisms move, or do continents?
Figure 5.21. Mitchell's ratite patterns in evolutionary genetics.
Figure 5.22. Richard Schodde's (2006) map of Australia's place in the biogeography of birds.
Figure 6.1. Acarinina mcgowrani: Signals from an ancient ocean.
Figure 6.2 Two depictions of the making of the modern ocean.
Figure 6.3. Aspects of climate and environment.
Figure 6.4. Equations in a carbon dioxide cycle.
Figure 6.5. Lipps's early 1970s model oceans.
Figure 6.6. The Monterey event at Site 216 on the Ninetyeast Ridge.

Figure 6.7. Hohenegger's large benthic foraminifera off Okinawa.
Figure 6.8. Nummulites and relatives illustrate the power and potential of X-ray tomography.
Figure 6.9. Eocene Tethys in the photic zone: Benthic foraminiferal partitioning. Thin sections in a reconstructed profile are from Southern Tethys biofacies.
Figure 6.10. Indicators of global environmental shifts during the Cenozoic Era.
Figure 6.11. Foraminifera and corals in a natural two-part Cenozoic Era.
Figure 6.12. Environmental shifts during the Cenozoic Era, updated.
Figure 6.13. Westerhold et al. (2020) in determinism in Cenozoic climatic states.
Figure 6.14. Sea levels reconstructed over 100 million years.
Figure 7.1. Eyre Formation type section on Coopers Creek.
Figure 7.2. Australia's continental drift and two speeds in earth history.
Figure 7.3. Early Palaeogene pile in western Victoria.
Figure 7.4. Modern trees and ancient pollens.
Figure 7.5. Dinocysts warm and cold in Eocene biogeography.
Figure 7.6. Dinocyst biogeography and southern reconstructions.
Figure 7.7. Dinocyst herald of the hothouse: Apectodinium spread globally at the PETM.
Figure 7.8a. Dinocysts in a reconstructed PETM sea.
Figure 7.8b. Dinocyst complexes indicate ecological preferences.
Figure 7.9. Sporomorphs capture the PETM at Point Margaret.
Figure 7.10. Berger's theory of the brackish lid on the south-west Pacific.
Figure 7.11. Southern calcareous phytoplankton out of the hothouse.
Figure 7.12. Mt Arckaringa and Walther's classical arid weathering profile.
Figure 7.13. Argument and test of episodic deep weathering in the hothouse.
Figure 8.1. Tom Roberts, Sheoak and sunlight (1888).
Figure 8.2. Lutetian-Rupelian global cooling.
Figure 8.3. Eocene large forams expand to the deep south.

Figure 8.4. Eucla Basin, Eocene and Miocene shallow seas.

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