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I get flushed
My dad helps out* (*no actual helping occurs)
We complain about quests and decorative gourds
I take a himbo for smoothies
Everybody hates Ganymede because he's so pretty
Because licorice
Big shocker : I offend a goddess
I want my mommy
The Chickens draw first blood
My singing makes things worse, and everyone is totally shocked
We win zero prize tickets
Ganymede gets me a refill
We look for dead stuff at the farmer's market
Iris gives me a stick
Grover busts out the snake songs
I meet the man bun of doom
Anmabeth conquers all with herbal tea
I taste the rainbow and it's pretty nasty
Iris takes Venmo
I offer relationship advice. No, seriously, why are you laughing?
I get a cupcake and a surprise
Ganymede explodes all the beverages
I brush my teeth (in the most heroic way possible)
I meet the goblet ganker
I negotiate the terms of my disintergration
My dying words are super embarrassing
It starts raining toys
I teeter on the precipice of Mount Brunch
I infiltrate the lair of Lightning God 3000
I face a dangerous predator who is possibly my future mother-in-law
Grover eats my leftovers
One more jolly rancher for old times' sake
I write the worst letter ever, delete, delete
Pretty much the best good-night kiss ever
Bonus material.

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