

Two kinds of allegory / Charles S. Singleton
Figural art in the Middle Ages ; St. Francis of Assisi in Dante's Commedia / Erich Auerbach
Dante's DXV / R.E. Kaske
St. Augustine's three visions and the structure of the Commedia / Francis X. Newman
The imageless vision and Dante's Paradiso / Marguerite Mills Chiarenza
Medusa : the letter and the spirit / John Freccero
Seneca, Plato, and the microcosm / Robert M. Durling
Epic tradition and Inferno IX / David Quint
Manfred's wounds and the poetics of the Purgatorio / John Freccero
The doubling misreading of Paolo and Francesca / Susan Noakes
Autocitation and autobiography / Teodolinda Barolini
Infernal metamorphoses : an interpretation of Dante's "counterpass" / Kenneth Gross
The light of Venus and the poetry of Dante : Vita nuova and Inferno XXVII / Giuseppi Mazzotta.

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