

Lawrence as literary critic / David J. Gordon
- The therapeutic as mythmaker / Philip Rieff
Lawrence and the apocalyptic types / Frank Kermode
Portrait of Miriam / Louis L. Martz
Reductive energy in The rainbow / Colin Clarke
Aaron's rod; The plumed serpent / David Cavitch
The longest journey : Lawrence's ship of death / Sandra M. Gilbert
Women in D.H. Lawrence's works / Barbara Hardy
The rainbow / F.R. Leavis
Lawrence, "being," and the allotropic style / Garrett Stewart / Lawrentian stillness / Leo Bersani
The problematic self / Elizabeth Brody Tenenbaum
Aphrodite of the foam and The ladybird tales / H.M. Daleski
Lawrence's Götterdämmerung : the apocalyptic vision of Women in love / Joyce Carol Oates.

Lady Chatterley's lover / George Levine
Lawrence and Shelley / Ross C. Murfin
Levels of consciousness / Martin Price
Psychology and art in The white peacock and The trespasser / Daniel J. Schneider
The ontology of D.H. Lawrence's St. Mawr / Margot Norris.

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