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Table of Contents
Life. A Brief Biography / John Garth
The Academic. Academic Writings / Thomas Honegger
Tolkien as Editor / Tom Shippey
Manuscripts / Stuart D Lee
The Legendarium. Myth-making, Sub-creation, and World-building / Carl Phelpstead
Middle-earth Mythology / Leslie A Donovan
The Silmarillion / Gergely Nagy
The Hobbit / John D Rateliff
The Lord of the Rings / John R Holmes
Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle-earth / Elizabeth A Whittingham
"The Lost Road" and "The Notion Club Papers" / Verlyn Flieger
Poetry / Corey Olsen
"Minor" Works / Maria Artamonova
Invented Languages and Writing Systems / Arden R Smith
Context. Fantasy / Edward James
Classical Literature / Hamish Williams
"On Fairy-stories" and Folktale Research / Juliette Wood
Old English / Mark Atherton
Middle English / Elizabeth Solopova
Old Norse / Tom Birkett
Finnish / Leena Kahlas-Tarkka
Celtic / JS Lyman-Thomas
The English Literary Tradition / Nick Groom
Earlier Fantasy Fiction / Rachel Falconer
The Inklings and Others / David Bratman
Later Fantasy Fiction / Dimitra Fimi
Periodizing Tolkien / Anna Vaninskaya
Critical Approaches. The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction / Patrick Curry
Style and Intertextual Echoes / Allan Turner
The Hero's Journey / Anna Caughey
Evil / Christopher Garbowski
Nature / Liam Campbell
Religion / Pat Pinsent
War / Janet Brennan Croft
Women / Adam Roberts
Difference and Otherness / Christopher Vaccaro
Art / Christopher Tuthill
Music / Bradford Lee Eden
Film Adaptations / Kristin Thompson
Games / Pťer Kristf̤ Makai
Fandom / Cait Coker
General Bibliography
Life. A Brief Biography / John Garth
The Academic. Academic Writings / Thomas Honegger
Tolkien as Editor / Tom Shippey
Manuscripts / Stuart D Lee
The Legendarium. Myth-making, Sub-creation, and World-building / Carl Phelpstead
Middle-earth Mythology / Leslie A Donovan
The Silmarillion / Gergely Nagy
The Hobbit / John D Rateliff
The Lord of the Rings / John R Holmes
Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle-earth / Elizabeth A Whittingham
"The Lost Road" and "The Notion Club Papers" / Verlyn Flieger
Poetry / Corey Olsen
"Minor" Works / Maria Artamonova
Invented Languages and Writing Systems / Arden R Smith
Context. Fantasy / Edward James
Classical Literature / Hamish Williams
"On Fairy-stories" and Folktale Research / Juliette Wood
Old English / Mark Atherton
Middle English / Elizabeth Solopova
Old Norse / Tom Birkett
Finnish / Leena Kahlas-Tarkka
Celtic / JS Lyman-Thomas
The English Literary Tradition / Nick Groom
Earlier Fantasy Fiction / Rachel Falconer
The Inklings and Others / David Bratman
Later Fantasy Fiction / Dimitra Fimi
Periodizing Tolkien / Anna Vaninskaya
Critical Approaches. The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction / Patrick Curry
Style and Intertextual Echoes / Allan Turner
The Hero's Journey / Anna Caughey
Evil / Christopher Garbowski
Nature / Liam Campbell
Religion / Pat Pinsent
War / Janet Brennan Croft
Women / Adam Roberts
Difference and Otherness / Christopher Vaccaro
Art / Christopher Tuthill
Music / Bradford Lee Eden
Film Adaptations / Kristin Thompson
Games / Pťer Kristf̤ Makai
Fandom / Cait Coker
General Bibliography